Quad Helix

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Curry queen
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Quad Helix

#1 Post by Curry queen »

So I was fitted with my quad helix yesterday. I think I'll have this for around 6 months. My braces get fitted in 12 weeks.

So far I don't really have any pain, it just irritates my tongue and inside of my cheek a bit. But how on earth do you eat with these things? Everything gets stuck above the wire so every mouthful takes 10 times as long. So far I've only managed soup, yoghurt, bananas, rice and chilli con carne. Hopefully I'll get used to it and slowing down my eating is probably not a bad thing, but does anyone else have one that had this trouble?


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Re: Quad Helix

#2 Post by solomama30 »

I don't have a quad helix (had to google that, lol) I have a bonded expander though and am having a very hard time eating as well. I have tried every couple days to eat and food gets caught between the roof of my mouth and the appliance and i gag and get sick :s Its terrible. I have been on liquids only for a week, and not some very soft foods, hoping after a few more tries i will get used to it and be able to eat some regular stuff normally!!

Curry queen
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Re: Quad Helix

#3 Post by Curry queen »

I'm pleased to say that I am now able to eat more freely with the quad helix. I still can't eat long stringy things like spaghetti, coleslaw or some lettuce leaves (such as rocket) as they risk getting caught in the wire and choking me, but I have bought a food processor and can now enjoy lots of home made veggies and slaw as long as I slice or shred them up small enough.

Solomama30 - sorry to hear you are suffering - your appliance sounds much worse than mine as there is probably more space for food to get caught and I guess it sits further back in your mouth. I'm sure you'll improve also after a while and I definitely recommend bananas for snacks. I am trying to give them up though because I'm meant to be eating low carb and I think they are a bit too sugary for every day :cry:

I think the trick is to take small bites and chew them to one side or the other so that the food doesn't get lodged too much in the middle.

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Re: Quad Helix

#4 Post by solomama30 »

It is definitely easier this week! I'm glad things are getting easier for you as well :) I am sticking with very soft foods and nothing stringy for now. I have has success with quinoa and rice with veggies in small pieces. Its uncomfortable but manageable, thank goodness. I just turned it for the 19th time, over halfway through turning it, will be glad when the pain is done, then it will just be annoying for a few months until its out!

Curry queen
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Re: Quad Helix

#5 Post by Curry queen »

I'm glad you are getting along better too! Do you have your braces on as well, or do they come later (like mine)?

What I don't yet understand (maybe someone might be able to enlighten me) is that the quad helix (or other type of expander) presumably pushes the arches outwards. If the braces are on at the same time (as mine will be in October), then presumably the arch wire would be taught and hence the force would be in the opposite direction of the expander and so the wire would stop the expander from, well, expanding! Or, does the arch wire go on slightly loose in order to pull the teeth outwards as well? I hope you get my meaning on this, but any physicists out there have any idea?

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Re: Quad Helix

#6 Post by solomama30 »

I have my braces on, got them on just before my expander. My top braces are just on the front 6 teeth, the rest are covered by the bonded expander!

Curry queen
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Re: Quad Helix

#7 Post by Curry queen »

I am assuming that the wire can pull in an outward direction as well, as I assume that's how lingual braces would work.

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Re: Quad Helix

#8 Post by solomama30 »

Yes, the archwire definitely pulls outward as well. I have had to have my bottom wire clipped a few times due to the teeth moving and the wires poking out the back after a few days. My top teeth have not had this happen, haven't had the wire clipped at all, i assume because the expander is just doing its job and pulling the wire tight again. The wire is very thin though at first, the expander has much more force. i was quite surprised by the wire when the dentist first showed me! I was wondering how the heck it would do anything! He wound it all up in a ball and showed me how it magically sprung back into an arch, lol. When he first put it on my teeth i was concerned because it was all over the place (my teeth were VERY crowded and messed up) The wire is straight now though! If i knew how to load pics i would show you what i mean :)

Curry queen
Posts: 25
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Re: Quad Helix

#9 Post by Curry queen »

Thanks Solomama, that certainly makes sense! I think when my braces go on the wire will look messy as well because one of my front teeth (not the middle one but second one along) is rotated by 45 degrees.

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