Elastics and first owie

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Elastics and first owie

#1 Post by KayKay »

I've been wearing this lingual arch with elastics for almost 4 months now - and in the past few days my inside cheek has become abraded. Until now its been ok. Not - It's tender and feels swollen and tender with a "stripe" inside my mouth.

I'm trying to figure out how to protect my inner cheek from it getting worse. What can I use to manage the soreness?

Yes, I'm a sissy. :-*
Looking forward to the new smile,



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Re: Elastics and first owie

#2 Post by sirwired »

The normal remedies... Wax and time. It will get better... I had some truly fantastic calluses over my molar tubes.

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Re: Elastics and first owie

#3 Post by Lorianne »

I'm not sure what your configuration looks like but one thing that helped me with elastics was to attach one point then twist once, forming an 'X' then attaching to other point. Also, tons of silicone. I use Mack's Ear Wax at somebody's suggestion here, and so glad for it. It's much more cost effective and lasts a lonnnng time and you can use with abandon! I bought two packs early on and I think they lasted a good 9-10 mos! I've been in braces for 15 mos and halfway thru pack 4. I'm hoping I make it to the end without needing more. Lol.

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