What was your first meal/food after braces?

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#121 Post by Prometheus »

My thoughtful wife made me home made cream of mushroom soup, it was the perfect thing. I ate a lot of mac and cheese for a few days. I think food getting caught in the brackets bothers me more than the tendeness of my teeth. Two weeks in and I still rush through the meal so I can use my water pik and clean it out. I doubt I will ever grow acustomed to the feeling of stuff caught in between the wires and brackets. Ick!
Lower braces on March 11, 2015, upper braces added July 14, 2015.
Damon, metal bottom / clear top.
Braces off March 26, 2018: Total time in braces: 3 years, 2 weeks and 1 day.
Hawley retainers top and bottom.

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#122 Post by Amanda88 »

Prometheus wrote:My thoughtful wife made me home made cream of mushroom soup, it was the perfect thing. I ate a lot of mac and cheese for a few days. I think food getting caught in the brackets bothers me more than the tendeness of my teeth. Two weeks in and I still rush through the meal so I can use my water pik and clean it out. I doubt I will ever grow acustomed to the feeling of stuff caught in between the wires and brackets. Ick!

Totally agree with you on the nasty feeling of stuff getting caught in the wire and brackets! Makes me avoid many foods just because I don't want to deal with the messy aftermath!!

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#123 Post by teeebeee »

I suppose this is one situation where having braces for mega-gappy teeth means I win!!! *small victories*

Not much has got stuck and it all comes out easily enough with plenty of slooshing and the interdental thingy.

Never thought i'd be grateful for the gaps in my teeth! :)

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#124 Post by Defiant93 »

Mine was a BLT sandwich with chips. My teeth didn't hurt yet, but I was uber-sensitive that I'd snap one of my molar braces off so I ate the chips very, very carefully.

And teeebeee I'm the same! I have an abundance of space rather than crowding so flossing is somewhat easier :)

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#125 Post by teeebeee »

Ooh, defiant93, you are brave. I've not dared floss yet. But, I use the interdental brush and the soft brush and the mouthwash like a thing demented! I had to go back today as one of the wires had popped out and Dries said my teeth are ok on the cleanliness front so that will do! Mind you, where he's put the wire back in, the left side is sore again as well as the right! *sheesh*

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#126 Post by Whitton2015 »

My first meal was a protein shake and some
seedless grapes.

I was on soups for a while, that was after I realised just how stained my bands were getting from certain foods, I tried to stick to foods with minimal or no food colouring at all (fruits, cereal, potato salad, eggs bread etc).

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