Face flip flopped

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Face flip flopped

#1 Post by Mason14nyk »

I know most people recommend reserving any judgement until 3-6months but my underbite now looks to be and overbite which i think will be corrected via ortho work, but the real issue are my lips. My top lip is a good centimeter infront of my lower lip. I was told my upper jaw was moved forward 5mm and my lower was moved back 1 mm. The goal of the surgery was to correct my bite, but to change my face as minimally as possible. I was very happy with the way i looked. My bite was my only issue. I was told my profile would change but from the front i would look the same. That was music to my ears. I definitely have some swelling 20 days out) but unless the swelling on my top lip is 20x that of my jaw area I now have a way more prominent upper jaw/lip. At this juncture i resemble a Who more than my old self. I constantly am being told, i look so different and i look like a different person.
Has this happened to anyone?
appreciate any advice people could share.

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Re: Face flip flopped

#2 Post by Mason14nyk »

what i mean by flip flopped is my upper lip is bow super prominent. My lower jaw has faded to the background. When the objective is as minimal change to face as possible shouldnt the lower half still hold prominence? Genioplasty was originally on the docket but when the final plans were conducted they determined it was not necessary. My face looks upside down. Help.

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Re: Face flip flopped

#3 Post by snapdresser »

Relax, you're not looking at your final face yet. Swelling is uneven and you have to wait to see the results. How's your bite?? That's the issue, right?
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Re: Face flip flopped

#4 Post by Mason14nyk »

Bite is fixed but at the expense of my face? I am praying that the swelling must be insanely uneven because this is not what i signed up for.

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Re: Face flip flopped

#5 Post by snapdresser »

If you have an infection (extremely common after this procedure) then a certain area of your face can swell up more than other areas. Relax. The final results can take several months to appear. Congrats on the fixed bite!!!
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Re: Face flip flopped

#6 Post by jinx02 »

I'm in a similar situation as you. I undergone a multi-segmented Le fort 1 and my upper jaw got moved 10mm. It seems like my upper jaw alone is barely before my nose. With the addition of my lips and swelling, my lips are way further beyond my nose. I'm torn cause I do have straight teeth now and I can breathe easily, however, I can't close my mouth easily and I'm sure I have maxillary prognathism now. I know people talk about swelling and everything, but I'm judging by where my teeth are relative to my nose. I'm probably going to have to do a cosmetic operation later, probably another Le Fort taking out two premolars push my upper jaw back and maybe a genio, something I'll look into after six months though. I have to agree with you though Mason, it is like fixing the physical issue (bite), but creating an emotion issue (facial aesthetics).

I'm torn cause I never had straight teeth before and I didn't have to get a blood transfusion with my seven hour surgery. If I were to get a Le Fort with BSSO it probably would have been longer and the Dr. said I probably would have required a transfusion. Now if results aren't satisfactory, I'll probably have to look into surgery again though so I don't know...

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Re: Face flip flopped

#7 Post by snapdresser »

Jinx, how long ago was your surgery?

Did you guys not get to see any surgical plan before or pictures/simulations of what you'd look like afterwards? Not to be offensive, but you both sound like you had no idea what the outcome would be.. Was it that, were the pictures misleading, or was the implemented surgical treatment not what was told to you beforehand?
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Re: Face flip flopped

#8 Post by jinx02 »

My surgery was in the beginning of May. The only predictions I got were from the CAD drawings in the 2-d dimensions of my face. Wish they had a simulation, but it was a free surgery from the government so they don't have the budget for that extra stuff. I did ask.

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Re: Face flip flopped

#9 Post by Mason14nyk »

I did not see any pictures of the future results. I was told my profile would change but i would look virtually the same from the front. currently i look like a more like a walrus than my old self. I have a top lip that extends way beyond my bottom lip, my cheeks are chubby. My bottom lip is narrower. Below my lip i know have this massiv divit that accentuates the overhang. If the total movement was 5-6mm how is my lip hanging 5mm ahead of my lower? I feel my jaw immediately behind my skin, i know there is still swelling but it isnt 5mm worth.

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Re: Face flip flopped

#10 Post by goku »


Have you spoke with your surgeons about these issues? What did they say?

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Re: Face flip flopped

#11 Post by snapdresser »

The swelling IS "insanely uneven" as you put it. It's very common that the top swells more than the bottom. Look at the post-surgery pictures on people's blogs. Everyone always says "Oh, they didn't move my chin forward enough. It looks like I have a ridiculous overbite. I'm gonna talk to my surgeon and I'll probably have to have them go back in and fix it..." Then you look at their pictures after 6 months and they look perfect. Trust your surgeon. It's the swelling. YES it's insanely uneven. YES it's 5mm (OR MORE!) worth of swelling. YES it's extremely common for people to see the much more swollen upper lip and flip out about it. Relax. Your surgeons are pros.
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Re: Face flip flopped

#12 Post by Mason14nyk »

Surgeon said to wait 3mo. I have two months left but its so drastic. I just fear that the focus was on the teeth and the facial changes were not considered or they were assumed that the changes would be preferred.

Snap while I appreciate your optimism, i have not seen anyone look like i do one month post op that is what is concerning. Most others are swollen in the upper cheeks.

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