June/July 2015 Surgery Buddies

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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#376 Post by Nozzelnut »

Well, I caved in to temptation today. I blended a double cheeseburger in my Vitamix. (I hand tore one into swallow-able pieces and it was fantastic.) Blended the other one. I used a mix of beef stock, Worcestershire sauce and some ketchup. Threw the whole burger and bun in and let it rip.

Not so good. If I were to do it again, I'd use burger and cheese no bun and the same liquid mix.
Round 3 (lifetime) Damon stainless applied 3/16/20 (after 4 weeks attempting invisalign) On for about 18 months
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#377 Post by snapdresser »

Jaime - I have extra elastics for when mine break, but I've never been instructed to remove any, for eating or otherwise. Only to add to replace those that break. I've had 3 break on me thus far but as the original ones get older they seem to be breaking more frequently. That's awesome that you're happy with your looks too! Yeah, I'm the same way in that my nose looked bigger cuz of my chin, at last in profile. Much better now :D

Gruntled - It sounds like you're healing pretty quick! That's great! I don't think anyone on here has reported a secondary infection yet. Seems like odds dictate at least some of us get them, but I hope that's not the case! I was decently healed enough to go out about 2 weeks post-op, in terms of swelling and bruising. At that point it probly won't be outwardly obvious to strangers that you're swollen :) Friends will know, but there's not gonna be any hiding the changes in your face from them anyways, swelling or no :lol: Btw, your overbite sounds fine. A bit of an overbite is good, and it should be just big enough that your top teeth don't hit your brackets. It may look strange to you because it's new and different (and opposite of your previous condition) but I assure you it's good. Your molars and pre-molars should match up such that your bite closes completely, but your front teeth should have that small overbite. It's gonna be different, but you're gonna look good :D

Nozzelnut - Hahaha good on you, man! :lol: Keep us apprised of your further culinary adventures!
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#378 Post by Nozzelnut »

Tomorrow I'm trying chicken, enchilada sauce, and refried beans.

ETA getting a bunch of twitching and odd feelings in my chin, lips and cheeks right now.
Round 3 (lifetime) Damon stainless applied 3/16/20 (after 4 weeks attempting invisalign) On for about 18 months
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#379 Post by jaime »

The Dinner Through a Straw book actually has a recipe for a blended burger. It says to blend 1lb hamburger meat with a can of cream of mushroom soup, then heat it up on the stove. It says to wait until week 3 or 4 after surgery, though. Probably a little on the thick side.

I had a small bowl of ice cream yesterday after which there was much rejoicing, since it's summer and all.

Haven't left the house since Tuesday, oops. But I have a busy week coming up so I'll make up for it then. Have to drive to see my surgeon (it's an hour away) on Monday, and tomorrow I was invited to an Epicure party. I'm having a bit of anxiety about going for various reasons. I am looking forward to getting out of the house and being distracted, though. I've been binge watching Switched at Birth on Netflix!

I am so jealous of everyone that can close their lips after surgery, although I know I got lucky with no facial bruising and not much swelling (enough to not be able to tell I'm swollen without knowing me beforehand).
SARPE: December 19, 2013
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#380 Post by Nozzelnut »

"Tomorrow I'm trying chicken, enchilada sauce, and refried beans."

Was pretty good. 1 can refried beans, I large can enchilada sauce, and a can of cooked chicken. That part wasn't the best, but it worked for the protein content.
Round 3 (lifetime) Damon stainless applied 3/16/20 (after 4 weeks attempting invisalign) On for about 18 months
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#381 Post by snapdresser »

Nozzelnut - Twitching in your lips, eh? I've only had the twitching in my chin, really, but any feeling/activity in those parts is probably a good thing. Your recipe sounds good! Quite the Mexican food fan, I take it?

Jaime - What's an epicure party? You know, I bet when you bite closes when the swelling in your TMJs goes down you'll have a much easier time closing and moving your lips. Or if they lock down your bite with tons of elastics when you see your surgeon :lol: I watched your video and I noticed something kinda interesting. Your swelling seems to be lower on the left side (viewer's left), closer to the jawline, and higher on the right. That's exactly the same for me! The cant I had meant they rotated my jaws and chin towards what's now the side with more prominent lower swelling. I think that's the same for you, right? Interesting that there's so much variation in swelling from person to person but ours is the same, at least in the cheeks lol. Regarding your skin, I've found that not washing my face helps prevent zits for me. Scrubbing off all the (protective) oils on my face allows the bacteria to get in, according to what I've read. I don't typically wear makeup tho :lol: so I'm not sure how you avoid washing your face if you wear makeup :(
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#382 Post by jaime »

Yes, my left side has been more swollen since day one! The Photobooth program I film the videos with is a mirror image so it is my left side. It's good to know that it's not an uncommon swelling pattern, haha.

I'm not exactly sure what all my surgeon did as far as the specific movements, I want to ask him tomorrow when I see him. I know that my jaw sat too far to the left though, so it's been pulled back right now. Not sure why that would make more swelling on the left.

Oh, Epicure is some catalogue thing. I've never been to an Epicure party so I may not be exactly correct, but it's like sauces, seasonings, and dips for various things. I'm not going to be able to sample any of it which will be annoying.

That's a good point about the oils on the skin. I think knowing that less attention to my skin makes it look better, I might give up wearing concealer, and only wash my face one a day.
SARPE: December 19, 2013
Expander out/TPA in: May 13th, 2014
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#383 Post by snapdresser »

Jaime - Good luck at the surgeon's tomorrow! Keep in mind that the elastics may seem a little strong initially but after a day or so you'll notice that they're already getting easier to work with :) And if they really load you up with elastics you'll be able to put your teeth together right away! Oooo epicure party sounds tight! Maybe it's a Canadian thing? Btw, you don't seem to have a Canadian accent. Can I request an "aboot" in your next vlog?? :lol:
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#384 Post by jaime »

You're right, Epicure is a Canadian thing. I learned that today at the party. I always assumed it was on both sides of the border.

Haha, maybe with all the swelling, my Canadian accent is drowned out. My American friends tease me all the time about my accent. I will try to remember to say aboot in the next video. :P

I'll let you know how the surgeon appointment goes.
SARPE: December 19, 2013
Expander out/TPA in: May 13th, 2014
Upper and lower braces: May 21, 2014
Lefort I + BSSO + sliding genioplasty: June 11, 2015
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#385 Post by snapdresser »

I'm not sure why Epicure couldn't work in the U.S. Tho the name kinda reminds me of the Epi-pen :lol: Or maybe some other type of medicine? How's the party go? Was there anything you could try? Haha I guess English through elastics all sounds the same. Good luck at the surgeon's! I head back again Wednesday.
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#386 Post by KaylaChristine »

Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing well! :D

Sorry for being so uninvolved lately. I haven't really had the energy to get on the computer much. Started back at work today. Working half days this week. I'm still so drained.

Which of us are wired shut? Just me? I can't remember at the moment. I have four more weeks of being wired shut. It's torture lol. I'm only eating ensure shakes and protein shakes. I've had a few blended soups but I just can't stomach them. I can't stand the consistency or the texture :FeelSick:

A lot of the swelling has gone down. I have more swelling on my left side. Bruising is mostly gone. I'm getting a nasty taste in my mouth from the left side as well....not sure if that's normal. I see my surgeon tomorrow so I'll be sure to bring it up. The back of the right side of my bottom jaw is really, really pointy (I had IVRO instead of BSSO). The surgeon said the pointy-ness of it would go away....but I'm starting to get a little worried about it.

My teeth are sore from time to time. I'm assuming it's because of me being wired shut. Surgeon is supposed to tighten the wires this week too :( The wires are really cutting up my lips. Wax is helping but as soon as I remove the wax my lips get cut a little.

Oh and I can't remember if I mentioned it or not but my surgeon did not expand my upper jaw at all. He spoke with my ortho and they are certain it can be taken care of with orthodontics.

I'm going to go catch up on all of your guys posts now! I'll be posting regularly now :)
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#387 Post by jaime »

So glad you're back Kayla! I was wondering how you were doing. Wow, you're legit wired shut? I think you have all our sympathies here!!

I'm more swollen on my left side, too. Snap is more swollen on one side as well. Funny how that works.

I've been the opposite of you...I can't stomach the texture of protein shakes lately. It's gotten better now that I can drink from a cup, though. I think squeezing a protein shake through a tube made it less appetizing.

My teeth are sore as well. One is almost unbearable to brush. I just assume it's all part of the fun of jaw surgery as that tooth has no reason to hurt.

I just got back from my surgeon. As predicted, I got loaded up with elastics. I have 5 now, so I'm banded proper shut now. :cry: He said I can take some of them out during the day if they bug me, as long as I sleep with all of them on. Since I'm not going back to work for another 4 weeks, I'll probably just leave them in most of the time. They're placed so that they pull my jaw over to the right. My midline actually matches up with all of them on so that's a good thing.

Also good news: he says I can use a straw and blow my nose! I never thought I'd be so excited about both those things!
SARPE: December 19, 2013
Expander out/TPA in: May 13th, 2014
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#388 Post by gruntled »

Hope everyone is doing well! Been a tad AWOL as I've finally ventured into the real world and done things such as grocery shopping, hurrah!

Thank you guys for the reassurance re: my bite, I'm sure that if there's something that could possibly be worried about I'd manage it!

I think I am going to brave removing my elastics to brush my teeth properly (or as properly as can be managed with a baby toothbrush) tonight as I just can't cope with my teeth not being brushed any longer!
Double jaw surgery to fix my underbite 17/06/2015

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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#389 Post by Nozzelnut »

I yawned last night and my 3/4 elastics let loose in my mouth like a grenade. Stinging bits everywhere! I called my surgeon today; good news is he gave me a couple days off from elastics until my next appointment on Wednesday. Swelling has gone down a lot over the last 3 days. Continuing liquid ibuprofen for the anti inflammatory properties. Pain is minimal. More twinges in my chin and cheeks almost nightly.

I can't imagine being wired shut; elastics are horrible enough.

I did have a bowl of mac n cheese with ground beef mixed in. All spoon-able and no chewing at all. First time I've been full or satisfied with a meal since June 16th...

I hope everyone is getting along OK.
Round 3 (lifetime) Damon stainless applied 3/16/20 (after 4 weeks attempting invisalign) On for about 18 months
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Re: June/July Surgery Buddies

#390 Post by Liz192 »

Hello everyone!!
I caught up on most of y'all's posts. I am scheduled for surgery July 14th. It was originally planned for mid-August but because I am moving out of town my surgeon said we needed to move it up. When he said that I was thinking moved up to August 1st maybe. Imagine my surprise when it got moved all the way to the 14th. I mean holy guacamole that's in 2 weeks! I am due to have my lower jaw moved forward 8mm and sliding genio of 8mm.
I will be moving in with my best friend (who will also be caring for me since my husband is out of town for the summer) next week and trying to get my house situated for my movers (who will be here July 20th). I was told I couldn't lift boxes but could go supervise which is good.
I am SUPER nervous about going through this alone. I know my friend will be there but it won't be the same.
I will be going back to work 2 weeks post surgery. I was told I can get on a plane for a wedding I am going to about 3 weeks post surgery. Do y'all think it is wise to travel 3 weeks after surgery?
I'm sorry for the long post. I'm just nervous I guess.

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