I had braces when I was 14 but only on the top. I remember the ortho saying my bottom wasn't bad enough - WHAT - I think it was because my parents got them for free through the public system here in Australia. Either way it was a waste of time because here I am needing them as an adult. I have been umming and ahhing for years about doing this because I have 2 kids and did not want to take money out of the family for myself.
Due to my teeth I put myself in a shell. I am so self conscious. I don't smile and I don't talk to people. My teeth have been holding me back and I thought bugger it, I am going to do this for myself to become a better mum for my kids. I want to ooze confidence and make people realise I am not a sour stuck up person and I can talk and smile!!
I am so excited to smile in photos and wear lipstick! I am sure other ladies can relate to not being able to wear lippy! I can finally start planning my wedding as I will be able to smile

I recently went to an amazing orthodontist and got the hard truth about my teeth. So the dr I saw as a kid screwed me over by taking out my two top premolars and it has made my palate small. I am a class 3 and have severe crowding, posterior crossbite and 2mm underbite! I will add photos when I figure out how to. To get the perfect smile I would need double jaw surgery. I can not afford this and not sure I would have the guts to even if I could afford it.
Next best option was getting my two bottom premolars out to match the top, and then braces.
I had the two teeth out a few days ago and omg I don't know how I did that as a kid?!! It was so scary but not painful. They have healed pretty good so far, only problem is I have two bloody ulcers near one extraction site and they are so painful.
I am so excited to start this journey, I feel like as soon as the braces go on I will start smiling because they are going to be improving...whether or not this happens is a different story and I will update here anyways!