Estimated time for braces

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#31 Post by Lala082008 »

My plan is now to get Invisalign. I have a pretty complex case, and was told it would take at least 2.5 years. Anyone else plan to be in Invisalign for this long?

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#32 Post by ItsFreyja »

Lala082008 wrote:My plan is now to get Invisalign. I have a pretty complex case, and was told it would take at least 2.5 years. Anyone else plan to be in Invisalign for this long?
It seems that a lot of providers tend not to prescribe Invisalign for more than 18 months or so because patients tend to get bored and noncompliant by then, when the changes occurring (and, hence, the rewards for compliant wear) are less than in the beginning. Good luck!

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#33 Post by NapalmKitty »

Quoted for 18 months. They looked amazing at 8 months already. I am almost 14 months in. :)

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#34 Post by bb2015 »

As an Adult at 42, I was told by my Ortho that it will take 18 to 24 months. Hope it will will earlier as I want to get my implant done for my front tooth. Having a missing front with a temporary fake is not comfortable as it keeps moving every time I eat .

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#35 Post by djspeece »

Prometheus wrote:9 days to go, you must be a happy guy! Every time I go for an adjustment I get comments about how slowly things are moving. I cannot for the life of me see much movement at all and its been 7 months. I'm afraid my 2 year plan will end up being closer to 3. Slow is one thing, but I can only describe this as glacial.....
That was my case, which is why two years stretch into three. In the back of my mind I knew it would take a long time, but was in denial thinking that at some magical point they would gather momentum and slide into place quickly. In my case, he used propel twice in the last year (I've described that experience in another thread) and used a closing coil across one gap. I'm glad he was used caution, though. He liked to joke "Well Dan, some patients are just more dense" or "You definitely have a thick skull" and so forth. I'm hoping that this means I have less of a chance of relapse or that my retainer overnight wear only stage comes more quickly, but I need to ask him about that specifically. He didn't lecture me too much about using the retainer though -- seemed very casual about it, "Use it as much as you can for now" sort of approach. Which reminds me I need to finish my coffee, brush my teeth and pop it back in. Best of luck to you!

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#36 Post by Prometheus »

I haven't received any thick skull comments, but I'm sure that is the case with me too. I'm just a few months short of 60, so I think age has a lot to do with it. I also posted on that Propel thread and it seems our experiences were similar. I hope I won't have to go through that again, it was unpleasant to say the least, and bloody to boot. Good luck with the retainers. One thing I was very insistent with my ortho on before starting and that was the stability of the end result, I do not ever want to repeat this. I was told it would be a lasting result as long as I wore the retainers religiously.
Lower braces on March 11, 2015, upper braces added July 14, 2015.
Damon, metal bottom / clear top.
Braces off March 26, 2018: Total time in braces: 3 years, 2 weeks and 1 day.
Hawley retainers top and bottom.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#37 Post by daveq »

Initially I was told around 18 months; however, my teeth have straightened up fairly quick. In fact, they looked pretty good about 6 months in. I am almost at 1 year and have had my final wires in for the last couple of months. Just making small adjustments last few visits. Looks like I may be done well before 18 months.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#38 Post by musicbrace »

metalliKa wrote:Mine is 12-15 months and currently in my 6.5 months. Ortho said he is aiming at the 1 year mark, but we shall see. I have a few stubborn teeth that won't turn. Right now, I am obsessing over how much I don't like my teeth and find so many faults that I'd like them corrected or changed. It's kind of ironic that I lived some 20+ years with crooked teeth and never complained or point out any defects and now that I'm on the road to nice teeth and my teeth are looking way better than before, still I have some many complaints about how my teeth are not looking perfect. :biglaf: :biglaf: :biglaf:
Same here! I find myself dissecting every part of my mouth and can only find things I don't like.

I fear i will never have perfect teeth :(

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#39 Post by musicbrace »

I was told 18-24 months, but I know that's a general estimate.
I just had my one year anniversary 2 days ago :)

It's a big deal to me LOL

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#40 Post by EWUgal15 »

musicbrace wrote:I was told 18-24 months, but I know that's a general estimate.
I just had my one year anniversary 2 days ago :)

It's a big deal to me LOL
Nov 4 is your anniversary? Mine too! I feel pretty accomplished since they estimated at 18 months I would have surgery and I'm 6 months ahead of that schedule.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#41 Post by sergiobanks001 »

I was estimated 18-20 months and I'm two weeks into the treatment. I see a little change with one tooth but not much so far.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#42 Post by overthewater »

Around 2.5 years. I am only 2 months in so far. There has been some changes but I can't see it being any less time than that.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#43 Post by BeautifulDisaster »

My estimate was 24 months. I am at 14 months. My teeth were a mess before braces. They are now straight with a Class I bite. It seems like we have to get some roots repositioned so that my teeth settle on a healthy bite. I seem to be on target for a 24 month treatment time.

27 year old female
Traditional braces: clear uppers, metal lowers
Expected treatment time: 24 months
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Re: Estimated time for braces

#44 Post by straightteeth »

About 24 months for me and only 3 weeks in. I can't wait to see a difference! T^T

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#45 Post by MissMaree »

My estimated time is 16-18 months and I am currently 2 weeks in. I am looking forward to seeing some changes soon!

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