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Yesterday I started experiencing short sharp pain in my left ear. It's quite painful but doesn't last very long. Happened 3 times and today it's started again. When googling TMJ came up.
I don't know anything about it, but my jaw does click but I haven't had any pain.
Could it be possible my braces are causing this pain?
I have had my braces a while, and I too go through what you have, stabbing ear pains, sometimes like throbbing. Yeah, I found it is from the braces, as your jaw and ears are connected, or something science related like that (I'm not very good at science) but I just take ibuprofen.
This could be classed as a good sign, it means that your teeth are moving about a lot. You might also start to get headaches, but I'd just take painkillers.
Mine started when I started wearing elastics. It's TMJ and not actually an earache. The right side would stop hurting once I took them off to eat or brush. It's been going off and on.
How is your jaw feeling? I wanted to chime in and suggest you get evaluated for bruxism. Clenching/grinding wreaks havoc on your jaw, teeth and gums. It's basically impossible to "cure" but you can mitigate the damage (to your teeth and gums, at least) by getting a mouth guard. Getting braces is great since malocclusion makes the effects of bruxism so much worse.
•Braces placed August 14, 2014
•Deband November 11, 2015
•Permanent retainer top and bottom
•Essix retainers top and bottom 16 hr/day for a year and then nightly afterwards.
I have had my braces a while, and I too go through what you have, stabbing ear pains, sometimes like throbbing. Yeah, I found it is from the braces, as your jaw and ears are connected, or something science related like that (I'm not very good at science) but I just take ibuprofen.
This could be classed as a good sign, it means that your teeth are moving about a lot. You might also start to get headaches, but I'd just take painkillers.
Hope your ear pain goes away!
I don't recall having it since this post...although I do get a lot of headaches. I just thought it was stress from the kids