25 yr old getting braces FINALLY

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

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25 yr old getting braces FINALLY

#1 Post by cloudyxnite »

Hello everyone. I am about to embark on my expensive but hopefully worth it, adult braces journey! I am way too busy (or lazy) to do an actual blog on a website wit fancy font and all that so I will be posting everything here. My teeth are in pretty bad shape, and no one I'm close to has gone through this so any input, advice, stories would be greatly appreciated. I have all but one of my wisdom teeth still. I have 2 molars that both had root canals when i was a teenager and lost both crowns so they are both really messed up and will be taken out. My wisdom teeth will be staying instead. I also still have a baby tooth that never came out. The adult canine actually moved up and had it removed years ago because I was told it would be too much work to bring down and it looked hideous. Then i have severe overcrowding in my front bottom teeth so one of those will be taken out as well. My spacers will go on Feb 9th. My orthodontist wants my braces on before my 4 extractions(???) so theyre going on Feb 15 and the extractions will be Feb 16. I honestly have no idea how thats going to work. If any of you have heard of that please share. I will be posting pictures once the spacers go on! Talk to you guys soon :BigTeethGrin:

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Re: 25 yr old getting braces FINALLY

#2 Post by alrac91 »

Omg. Your story is very similar to mine. I'm 24 and am also missing an upper canine and have had root canals. I get braces on Feb 5th.

Post pictures! I'll be following your story very closely ! Lol. Good luck!

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Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:50 pm

Re: 25 yr old getting braces FINALLY

#3 Post by cloudyxnite »

Awesome! Its refreshing to know i'm not the only one. Are you posting about your own journey as well? If you are post your link so i can follow. Good luck to you too.

Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:27 pm

Re: 25 yr old getting braces FINALLY

#4 Post by alrac91 »

cloudyxnite wrote:Awesome! Its refreshing to know i'm not the only one. Are you posting about your own journey as well? If you are post your link so i can follow. Good luck to you too.

I hope too! I've been reading and researching everything I can. I only have 11 days to go. It's really crazy how similar out situations are !

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