11 hours until I get ceramic braces @ 30

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11 hours until I get ceramic braces @ 30

#1 Post by eam20 »


Hi, I am new here and getting wired up tomorrow. I am both very nervous and very excited. I have researched adult braces on youtube to its limit. Thank you if you have made videos! I probably know you :)!

I have a shopping list ready to go. After the appointment I will run to the drug store and load up on products and soft foods and prepare for this NYC blizzard.

Wish me luck!
This truly is a new life I will embark on.

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Joined: Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:14 pm

Re: 11 hours until I get ceramic braces @ 30

#2 Post by eam20 »


Hi, I am new here and getting wired up tomorrow. I am both very nervous and very excited. I have researched adult braces on youtube to its limit. Thank you if you have made videos! I probably know you :)!

I have a shopping list ready to go. After the appointment I will run to the drug store and load up on products and soft foods and prepare for this NYC blizzard.

Wish me luck!
This truly is a new life I will embark on.[/quote]

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Re: 11 hours until I get ceramic braces @ 30

#3 Post by eam20 »


Hi, I am new here and getting wired up tomorrow. I am both very nervous and very excited. I have researched adult braces on youtube to its limit. Thank you if you have made videos! I probably know you :)!

I have a shopping list ready to go. After the appointment I will run to the drug store and load up on products and soft foods and prepare for this NYC blizzard.

Wish me luck!
This truly is a new life I will embark on.[/quote]

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Re: 11 hours until I get ceramic braces @ 30

#4 Post by oldfart »

Be sure they double check the end of your wires. You don't want to be stuck in a blizzard with pokey wires. :)
Braces on: 2/25/2013. Braces Off: 12/23/2015
Current Retainers: Hawley Top, Essix Bottom, and Permanent Lingual Bottom

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Re: 11 hours until I get ceramic braces @ 30

#5 Post by June0177 »

I have had ceramic on the top for five weeks and can already see things moving around :D. Bottom braces will go on in early March. Unexpected bonus - losing 10 lbs!

BTW -I am 57 and never had braces as a child :tingrin:

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