What are your worst braces symptoms?
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- Posts: 8
- Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:23 am
What are your worst braces symptoms?
What is the worst thing you've experienced with braces and how long did it take you to adjust? Did new symptoms pop up thoughout your treatment? And if so, when did they occur? I'm curious to see what other people are also suffering from!
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
I'm only a week in, but still have sore front teeth
so still no biting solid foods for me!

Braced: 10th March, 2016
Sentence: 18 months (no probation)
Sentence: 18 months (no probation)
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
I am a year into braces, and would have to say that probably the worst symptom I get nowadays is HUGE canker sores. Usually in the nook where the inside of the cheek meets the gums, or developed from a sore rubbed by braces. Yowch! When I get these they seem to take forrrreverrrr to heal and are super painful! I've never had this problem before braces so I'm blaming them
lol Also, whenever I wear my rubberbands at night, my breath in the morning is atrocious. Just darn awful!
When I don't wear them at night its not nearly as bad... weird huh?
In the beginning, when all of my teeth were still super sensitive, I would sometimes click my teeth together when I talked. Like accidentally knock them on each other. NOT good! The sudden shock of pain was not pleasant whatsoever.
That's all I can think of at the moment! Having been in braces a year, it's actually become difficult for me to remember all the horrors of early braces days... thank goodness!

In the beginning, when all of my teeth were still super sensitive, I would sometimes click my teeth together when I talked. Like accidentally knock them on each other. NOT good! The sudden shock of pain was not pleasant whatsoever.

That's all I can think of at the moment! Having been in braces a year, it's actually become difficult for me to remember all the horrors of early braces days... thank goodness!

Braces on March 6th, 2015
Metal Empower self-ligating brackets, upper and lower
Class II, Division II overbite with crowding
Upper 2nd premolars extracted May 1st, 2015
First Powerchain and Class II Manatee Elastics June 15th, 2015
TADs placed July 27th, 2015
Box Manatee Elastics April 1st, 2016
Teeth shaping May 4th, 2016
My Progress: http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... =9&t=48229
Metal Empower self-ligating brackets, upper and lower
Class II, Division II overbite with crowding
Upper 2nd premolars extracted May 1st, 2015
First Powerchain and Class II Manatee Elastics June 15th, 2015
TADs placed July 27th, 2015
Box Manatee Elastics April 1st, 2016
Teeth shaping May 4th, 2016
My Progress: http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... =9&t=48229
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
pain will always be the worst symptom, so the begining was the hardest because of pain when chewing making it almost impossible to chew hard foods. Now a days the worst is when i go for wire changes, day to day the only thing that bothers me really is food getting stuck in the braces, but jsut minor annoyance nothing like pain.
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:23 am
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
[quote="Oversmite"]I'm only a week in, but still have sore front teeth :( so still no biting solid foods for me!
You'll find that biting into things is hard throughout the time you have braces on. It's easier when your teeth aren't so sensitive but your teeth aren't as strong as they were before.
You'll find that biting into things is hard throughout the time you have braces on. It's easier when your teeth aren't so sensitive but your teeth aren't as strong as they were before.
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:32 am
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
I've never really experienced noticeable pain with my braces (weird, huh?). My only annoyances have been ulcers (which were only in the first few months) and the terrible yellow staining of the elastics with pretty much anything I ate.
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
Aside from general pressure on my teeth the absolute worst symptom is one of my molars is highly sensitive since installation last week. The second day the pain was too bad to even brush it. It has gradually subsided but I hit the ceiling that second night when I tried to brush it.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:42 am
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
I'm 1 week in and my worst symptom is my lisp, I hope it goes away after
And fearing of elastic a will see in 2 weeks.
And fearing of elastic a will see in 2 weeks.
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
HII!! So I've got braces for almost a week now and I feel nothing. I ate steak with fries 3 hours after I got my braces and kept on eating normally whatever I used to eat and I felt no pain at all, it's all good. I feel pretty much nothing! The only thing I don't like about braces is how it always seems like a little push or anything like that could loosen up a bracket or something... I check the mirror every half an hour to check if they're in place lol.
It's difficult to resist eating pizza crusts and nuts specially almonds but yeah that's not exacly "symptom" and it's not that bad, I'm losing weight already XD
It's difficult to resist eating pizza crusts and nuts specially almonds but yeah that's not exacly "symptom" and it's not that bad, I'm losing weight already XD
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
@ Len - I am QUITE jealous! Hours after my installation a hamburger was a no-go to eat despite me being starving
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
The worst symptom I am having is intermittent heat/warm sensitivity in one tooth. There is no abscess, no one can tell me why this is happening.
The worst symptom I am having is intermittent heat/warm sensitivity in one tooth. There is no abscess, no one can tell me why this is happening.

Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
The toughest thing for me to deal with right now is not being able to bite down because my molars won't connect. They are fixing a deep bite and I have bumpers along the four front lower teeth so I don't break those brackets off. So I can't chew anything, soft or not. Pain I can deal with because I can treat it. There's nothing I can do about not being able to chew. And silly me, I didn't ask how long it might take before I could chew anything.
- Posts: 73
- Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:55 am
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
I'm two weeks in today and so far the worst symptom were the cuts I had on the inside of my mouth (and the feel of the braces scraping the inside my lips in general). I feel MUCH better now!
Braced: March 18, 2016
De-bonded : December 29, 2017 (22 months out of the 18-24 month treatment plan I was given)
Retainers: Fixed on top and bottom/ Clear, removable for nighttime wear
De-bonded : December 29, 2017 (22 months out of the 18-24 month treatment plan I was given)
Retainers: Fixed on top and bottom/ Clear, removable for nighttime wear
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:40 pm
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
I've had my Inman Aligner for 3 weeks now and the only issue is the lisp. It hasn't improved at all and can't see how it ever will as Thankfully, the brace itself is very comfortable though and has already caused some noticeable movement.
Re: What are your worst braces symptoms?
I'm 6 days in and the worst thing is the bulkiness..I have clear ceramic on top and going for bottom braces on Monday which will be metal. I'm thinking of asking to switch to all metal since I can't really talk or smile- my top lip can't really fit over the braces because of my overjet so I'm basically not talking or smiling cause it annoys me sooo much. I'm assuming it's because of my overjet so maybe in a few months it will feel different as the teeth start to move but I don't know. I guess when she puts the metal on on monday I'll see what the difference is in size. after that I need to get 4 extractions. Fun times