Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

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Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

#1 Post by musicbrace »

Hey everyone!
First let me say that I thoroughly enjoy reading posts on this forum! I usually read during my lunch time or at home before bed.

I just had a question that maybe someone would be able to answer only because I forgot to ask my orthodonist before I left my last appointment.

I've been in braces almost 17 months now and my appointments have been consistently 3-4 weeks apart. EVERY TIME.

I just had my last adjustment at the beginning of March and was told that I wouldn't have to come in until April 20th...
I thought this was SO strange... why am I being told to come back 2 months later?

Is this anything significant? Braces treatment can get so routine for the doctors that they forget its new to us! Has anyone has this sudden change in appointments?? And if so, did they explain?
Thank you in advance for your response!

Also, I have a youtube channel up in case anyone is interested.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjFrUc ... 44OIxfAGkA

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Re: Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

#2 Post by djspeece »

I can't of course comment on your specific case, but when I was at that place in my treatment my ortho really didn't change much at all except do a quick exam and install new powerchains. So, I could definitely see it if you do not have powerchains. There may be a more mundane explanation, like he is going to be on vacation during your usual appointment week and does not anticipate any major change in your treatment plan.

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Re: Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

#3 Post by sirwired »

With a rectangular wire (which you probably have by now), fresh ligatures are not as important. As dj said, if you don't have powerchains, there's really no inherent requirement for frequent appointments. Once all the teeth are in line, the stage where the rectangular wires finishes things up is not quick.

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Re: Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

#4 Post by musicbrace »

sirwired wrote:With a rectangular wire (which you probably have by now), fresh ligatures are not as important. As dj said, if you don't have powerchains, there's really no inherent requirement for frequent appointments. Once all the teeth are in line, the stage where the rectangular wires finishes things up is not quick.
Thank you!

I guess that makes sense. I no longer have power chains but I do have gaps that are popping up almost daily.

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Re: Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

#5 Post by Felina Grimm »

Mine were every 6 weeks but now they're every 4 weeks which is the opposite from you.
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Re: Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

#6 Post by tartanhabit »

Every 3 to 4 weeks seems a bit on the short side so I can imagine it feels strange going to 2 months. Ask your ortho. I don't always get very satisfactory answers when I ask questions - as you said, it's so routine for them but the biggest deal for the rest of us! Is there not a lot of moving things around work left to be done?

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Re: Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

#7 Post by musicbrace »

tartanhabit wrote:Every 3 to 4 weeks seems a bit on the short side so I can imagine it feels strange going to 2 months. Ask your ortho. I don't always get very satisfactory answers when I ask questions - as you said, it's so routine for them but the biggest deal for the rest of us! Is there not a lot of moving things around work left to be done?

Hello and thank you for your response!
Everything is pretty much aligned. We are just now closing the gaps left from the 4 premolars I had extracted last July.

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Re: Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

#8 Post by alee88 »

Woah 3-4 week appointments? I've had braces for about 6 months, appointments always 8 weeks apart.

Does your orthodontist do all the work themselves? I don't always see her. More often than not I see one of the assistants. She changes the wires, offers me dental supplies and off I go.

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Re: Woah. Huge change in appointments. Any thoughts?

#9 Post by musicbrace »

alee88 wrote:Woah 3-4 week appointments? I've had braces for about 6 months, appointments always 8 weeks apart.

Does your orthodontist do all the work themselves? I don't always see her. More often than not I see one of the assistants. She changes the wires, offers me dental supplies and off I go.
My orthodontist ALWAYS checks my progress before he does anything else. The only thing the assistants do is remove my bands. The doctor then comes and examines my progress. If the next procedure is complicated, he will do it himself and use it as a teaching moment for his staff. If it's a fairly easy procedure (like just changing the wire etc) then the assistant will do it.

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