Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

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Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#1 Post by musicbrace »

I have noticed several posts from those who are new/miserable with braces asking for tips and advice.

I thought it would be neat to have that all in one thread!

I remember my first month of braces... WOW it was the longest month of my life. It is not almost 18 months later and I can't believe how time has flown by.
It was SO SO worth it...but i can't wait to get these babies off!
You don't really know what you're missing until you finally feel confidant about your smile. :)

Tips from me:

!. Be patient!
2. Brush as much as possible!
3. Stop feeling insecure, no one cares!

Feel free to add below!!

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#2 Post by iob »

Nice idea, musicbrace! It's probably been done before our time here, but better to bump it to where it can be found by the newly freaked out.
- +1 on the WaterPik. Does an amazing job of blasting stuff out and leaving you feeling squeaky clean

- It's amazing how quickly things that you've dreaded become no big deal. So, try to worry less about whatever medieval techniques (elastics, IPR, TADs, coils, etc.) are next in your plan. I worried and, inevitably, whatever was "next" was less of a big deal than I made it out to be.

- Don't worry as much or second guess the specific braces option (Invisalign, traditional metal, ceramic, lingual, Damon, etc.) that you choose. Every option has it's tradeoffs and compromises, so pick the plan and ortho that's the best for you. No matter how much you try to get it exactly right:
a) You pick Invisalign so nobody knows, but then you wind up with 14 attachments. Oh well.
b) You choose tooth-colored ceramics over metal, but then wind up with neon green ligs or power chains. Oops.
c) You go with linguals to be completely discreet, and then you get elastics. Gotcha.
d) etc.
You'll get over all of it....well, actually, neon green stained power chains do kinda suck.

- If you've viewed a few vlogs about the monthly process, have you noticed how the vlogger tends to be more awkward and unnaturally purse-lipped in the first video, and on month 3 and later, they're more relaxed, natural, smiling and talking excitedly about all of the movement they've noticed? That's you in 3 mo.

- If something hurts or is poking, for crying out loud put wax on it! Don't try to be a tough guy. Your lips/cheeks/tongue will toughen up quicker if they're not always raw...and you'll be happier, too.

- Lastly, and most importantly, you'll be happy that you did it.

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#3 Post by Beckett »

Lots of soft food.
Stock up on toothpaste and lip balm and wax (I prefer the Orthosil silicone kind)
In the relative span of your life? Even two or three years in braces is a drop in the bucket.

And the biggest thing I had a hard time believing but it's totally true? No one cares and almost no one will ever mention that you have braces. It's like taboo or something to point it out. Like pregnant women. Never ask. Same with braces. Other adults just don't want to point it out.
Braces for 18 months/4 days.


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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#4 Post by Ziggy »

1. Dental Wax is your friend. Repeat over and over....
2. See #1

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#5 Post by Bracesat57 »

I love this thread. Great idea.

1. Nobody cares that we have braces on our teeth.
2. It is not selfish to want to do this for ourselves. It is important!
3. You will second guess yourself for the first two weeks after getting braces. Like "Why in the world did I do this to myself." Ugh.
4. A few weeks after that you will totally forget you have all that metal in your mouth.
5. Wait until you start seeing movement in your teeth. You will wonder why you didn't do this earlier.

I love my straight teeth with braces on them more then I loved my crooked, naked teeth!!

6. Take pictures of your progress. It is truly amazing how fast things move in the beginning.
7. Water pic,water pic, water pic. I can't imagine how much junk doesn't come out with regular brushing.

My last piece of advice is very important:

8. Do not read too much into negative comments on this site. Some people are never happy with anything and some people are cronic complainers. It is sort of like reading reviews before buying a product online.....some people will complain about the littlest things....

Now, go to your orthodontist office and sit with the other kids and wait for your name to be called.. It actually becomes fun when they realize you are the patient and not one of your

My braces are coming off in 3 days! :jump: :jump: Best present I gave to myself.

Braces installed October 2, 2014
Braces removed May 17, 2016

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#6 Post by Mimo1985 »

*Raises hand* Im a newbie and miserable :D

Actually - its day 5, and its getting a little better.

1. Nobody cares that we have braces on our teeth.
Thank you :) Im realizing this now

2. It is not selfish to want to do this for ourselves. It is important!
This is totally true- and something that I noticed that is really cool is if I tell people "sorry I cant speak well right now, I just got braces - still getting used to them" people usually say "Oh no worries. I had them for 5 + years. Youll be so happy at the end" *fist bump*

3. You will second guess yourself for the first two weeks after getting braces. Like "Why in the world did I do this to myself." Ugh.
Yes, Im doing this. But its good, and I know around month 3 when I see "some" changes, Ill say "wow, this is cool"

4. A few weeks after that you will totally forget you have all that metal in your mouth.
Trying to start thinking this now and its helping :)

5. Wait until you start seeing movement in your teeth. You will wonder why you didn't do this earlier.
Hoping so :)

Thanks for this thread! Its good advice.

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#7 Post by djspeece »

Great thread. As an alum, I offer the following "pearls:"
- Sometimes a smaller blob of wax is better than a huge glob which can be dislodged more easily, perhaps due to a larger "profile"
- Your case is individual. While you will doubtless share similarities with others, don't predict doom based on the experience of others. Let your ortho break the news :wink: .
- You will finish treatment. Don't fight it. Embrace your metalness. And, it will be worth it.
- Ortho techs are terrible are predicting how your course of treatment will proceed. Mine loved to predict that I would really be feeling lots of pain after new powerchains were installed (in combo with elastics) and I think they were somewhat disappointed when I would come back and report, perhaps a bit arrogantly, "No problems."
- Medicate for pain, don't suffer. Ibuprofen works great on dental discomfort. Take as directed on the label.
- Your cheeks will still toughen up if you use wax.
- A sense of humor goes a long way on this journey.
- See my signature block.

Best of luck to all my brothers and sisters in the Order of Metalmouth!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#8 Post by Welshrarebit »

I love this thread! Thank you to those who have posted! I'm nearly 1 month in - slightly less new and definitely less miserable than I was at the start. Still hate my braces but feeling much more positive about the end result.

I have a new Most Important Item in my life now too. When I leave the house, it's no longer 'Do I have my car keys, phone, purse?' It's 'Do I have my dental wax?'

Lesson learned.

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#9 Post by musicbrace »

I may be weird..
but I never used wax during my treatment.
Maybe I just have a higher pain tolerance?

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#10 Post by nightowl12 »

[quote="Welshrarebit"]I love this thread! Thank you to those who have posted! I'm nearly 1 month in - slightly less new and definitely less miserable than I was at the start. Still hate my braces but feeling much more positive about the end result.

I have a new Most Important Item in my life now too. When I leave the house, it's no longer 'Do I have my car keys, phone, purse?' It's 'Do I have my dental wax?'

Lesson learned.[/quote]

I just did this over the weekend - biggest mistake ever!! Was a tough day without the wax.

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#11 Post by Beckett »

On the flip side to a post here, and not to argue, just to provide another perspective, you will see the tech for longer at each appointment than the ortho. Ask questions and if it's something they can't answer they will get the ortho. The gals at my practice are awesome; from tips to getting wax on to tricks for attaching rubber bands and everything in between. They are able to answer lots of my questions and worn me in advance of things to watch out for. She was right when during my first appointment she could tell that my lower front teeth would be the most sensitive based on how they behaved when she tied the wire in. She was right. It wasn't an apocalyptic warning, just a heads up.
Braces for 18 months/4 days.


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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#12 Post by djspeece »

Beckett wrote:On the flip side to a post here, and not to argue, just to provide another perspective, you will see the tech for longer at each appointment than the ortho. Ask questions and if it's something they can't answer they will get the ortho. The gals at my practice are awesome; from tips to getting wax on to tricks for attaching rubber bands and everything in between. They are able to answer lots of my questions and worn me in advance of things to watch out for. She was right when during my first appointment she could tell that my lower front teeth would be the most sensitive based on how they behaved when she tied the wire in. She was right. It wasn't an apocalyptic warning, just a heads up.
Well said!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#13 Post by JCloNY »

1) Invest in an electric toothbrush

2) Be patient. I swear I see no movement but others do.

3) Come to the forum and ask questions. There is a wealth of info and you are not alone

4) Use the "I have braces" card to your advantage. Double down on ice cream and say no to carrots! 8)

5) Unless you have an addiction issue take a pain killer when they are first installed or after an adjustment. No one will judge you as the pain varies and may be intense (remember this is intentional force on your deeply rooted teeth to make them move)

6) Be shameless in guilting others into making you protein shakes as meal replacements. Yes - there will be days where rather than chewing you just want to slurp.

7) Be confident in yourself. Only people with braces make a big deal of them. Others rarely notice.

8) Be prepared for your new flossing obsession. Nothing is worse than a piece of pork or rice stuck between your brace bracket and tooth in the middle of back to back conference calls. (Sorry)
2-year sentence of clear top and bottom braces commencing March 23, 2016
November 2016 - Class III elastics (starts from the bottom canine and goes to the upper 1st molar) on both sides
December 2016 - Two front teeth filed (IPR?) to make space to close black triangle and a power chain; 4 front bottom ceramic brackets replaced with metal brackets to force the teeth straighter; 1 broken bottom molar bracket (courtesy of a Tootsie Roll craving);

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#14 Post by djspeece »

The other thing that used to bug me is cheap travel toothbrushes -- the ones that fold up. They tend to shed their bristles which get jammed into a bracket. I had some hemostats that I kept around for some reason and they are excellent for grabbing on to wayward bristles. You can actually buy them in many drug stores or hardware stores.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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Re: Tips for the Newbies and Miserable

#15 Post by oldfart »

"4) Use the "I have braces" card to your advantage. Double down on ice cream and say no to carrots! "

I still use this one even though I have had my braces off for five months.. "Sorry, dear, it will take about a year before the bone structure strengthens around the teeth before I can eat carrots"... Unless she cooks them.. although cooked carrots I love.

Braces on: 2/25/2013. Braces Off: 12/23/2015
Current Retainers: Hawley Top, Essix Bottom, and Permanent Lingual Bottom

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