Are ceramic brackets more irritating than metal?

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Are ceramic brackets more irritating than metal?

#1 Post by guilder68 »

Hi, I just got my top ceramic braces on Thursday. They feel very sharp. Are they harder to get used to than metal braces? Are they larger?

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Re: Are ceramic brackets more irritating than metal?

#2 Post by aussietrumpeter »

I find that my ceramic brackets look larger than metal brackets I've seen on other people. They did feel very rough for the first week, but after that they felt 'comfortable', I haven't used wax since the first week.

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Re: Are ceramic brackets more irritating than metal?

#3 Post by SingleJawMelb »

Ceramic arent as strong as metal.

They shouldn't be sharp because you have the pig, wire and bracket. Maybe you just aren't used to them yet?

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Re: Are ceramic brackets more irritating than metal?

#4 Post by Bracingmyself901 »

Ceramic are bulkier than metal to make up for the fact that they are more brittle (if they were to make ceramic brackets the same smaller size as metal they'd break more easily). The extra bulkiness may contribute to an increase in discomfort to your lips, thus that may explain the additional irritation compared to metal.

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