Other patients in ortho office

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Other patients in ortho office

#1 Post by cassidy91 »

This might be a weird question, but does anyone else here go to an ortho where there is more than one chair in the room where they work on your teeth?

My ortho has 2 different areas, one is a room with only one chair, the other has 3 chairs. I don't know why he has it laid out this way but when I got my braces on, I was in the smaller room with just the one chair. Almost every time I go in to get my braces adjusted I've been in the bigger room and there are usually one or two other people in at the same time.

It kinda bothers me that there are other people there. I know everyone there is going through braces and it shouldn't be a big deal, but today there was a cute guy in there at the same time and as usual my ortho had my put on my headgear during my appointment. I'd just rather not have anyone else looking at me when I'm wearing it, I feel really uncomfortable. I also don't like having total strangers listening to him talk about my impacted teeth or how good or bad I'm doing at keeping my teeth clean.

Am I just overreacting? I'm self-conscious enough as it is, I don't know if I'm making a bigger deal out of it than I should be. I just feel weird with all these other people looking at me and knowing what's going on in my mouth. :|

Anyone else feel the same way?



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Other Patients

#2 Post by tofino »


I understand.

During two of my four adjustments, my student(s) was (were)
sitting in the other chairs.

I dislike the forced intimacy of that setting, but at 20-odd minutes per month, I put up with it.

It's all about economics; square foor per chair, that kind of thing. I don't blame orthos for wanting to make a good living.



P.S. My ortho has a very small almost-private cubicle that I see him using sometimes. I'll bet that spot is reserved for those especially uncomfortable with the public treatment area.

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#3 Post by jenns91civic »

Only 3 chairs? Cool. My ortho's office had 7. They were seperated by low (like 3 ft) walls but you could turn your head from the patient chair and see other patients. The space between was enough that you couldn't really hear what was being said to other patients, but assistants can talk to each other. It never bothered me any. The private room he has is for consults. Don't worry about it so much. No one else really cares about whats going on in your mouth (I mean, no other patients in your orthos office) like you probably don't care about their teeth.
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#4 Post by *Marta* »

Honestly... what you talk about sounds so strange to me!

Going to an ortho is going to a doctor. I feel no other patients should listen about my bite, crooked teeth etc. And fortunately, there are only one-chair rooms at my clinic. There's my ortho, her assistant (always the same, which I like too!) and me. Nobody disturbs us. What's more, it's the ortho herself that analyzes my bite, takes my ligatures on/off during adjustments etc. She glued my brackets onto my teeth 2 years ago and I'm sure she'll be the one who'll take them off next week. :)
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#5 Post by nahky »

I feel fortunate that at my orthos office, there is only one chair per room. 3 rooms i think. Maybe thats why we have to wait a lil longer in the waiting area. But thats why i come in early before my appointment. It would make me uncomfortable to be seen by other patients while they are working on my mouth, and i am glad that my ortho has set things out this way.
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#6 Post by Rebraced »

At my ortho's office there are six chairs about 4 feet apart from one another seperated by a low wall and plants. You can definitely see and hear what is going on with the other patients. It seems everyone is looking around to see what is going on with each other. At first it was kind of intimidating but we have big screen TV's on the wall to keep us busy. Now it does not bother me at all and most offices have somewhat the same setup.
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#7 Post by momof2grlz »

My ortho has six chairs in one room, all separted by partition walls. You can't see other patients, but you can hear what's being said. He only has one private chair, but I don't see him use it often. I don't really have a problem with it except I try to schedule my appointments early in the morning so I miss the afternoon middle school rush. I did feel badly for a patient not too long ago when the assistant was chastising her for not brushing and flossing enough. The assistant said rather loudly that she may have already damaged her teeth. I felt like that was a private medical matter that didn't need to be everyone's business.

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#8 Post by strugglebuggy »

Yep, my ortho has a hallway with rooms on either side, and at the back of the hallway is a room with 4 chairs. (I love the chairs, too- I want one for my house...lol... shaped perfectly to my back, etc.)

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#9 Post by tictac »

I think most ortho offices are set up with multiple chairs in one big room. I saw one office where all the chairs were in a big circle. That was interesting. Luckily in my office, I'm always the only patient there. I guess since she's a new ortho, she hasn't built up a big patient base yet. Fine by me!

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#10 Post by gracie381 »

There is 7 chairs in a room at my ortho's office. I go to a school-funded ortho clinic. There are 3 orthodontist there and a bunch of interns. Most of the assistants have just gotten out of school and trying to get their credits in order to work on their on, and there is usually 1 or 2 students who sometimes walk around and check everything out. It's pretty cool though. They make you feel very comfortable, and nobody really pays attention. My orthos is very professional, and he's always very involved in what's going on, and always checks on me before I leave to make sure everything is done correctly and that I don't have any problems or questions. Also I saved $3000 going there :lol:
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#11 Post by jcdamon3 »

My ortho has one room, 3 chairs, I think. Funny I never thought about it until now that I didn't have any privacy. I guess I never really cared. But then I am older and most of the patients are really young so I don't have any inhibitions about a younger kid seeing me. If I put myself in your shoes and I saw a cute guy in there I would probably be mortified as well.

Interesting though. I remember going to two different chiropractors where there was no privacy either. I even remember seeing this guy that used to be the mayor or something in there. He learned my name and used to say hi. No privacy!

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#12 Post by weird_wired »

Good god, I cannot imagine "sharing" my orthodontic appointment with strangers!! As far as I am concerned it is a private medical consultation that I am paying good money for.

What next - multi-patient pap-smear sessions?!

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#13 Post by gracie381 »

I thought I would add: My first few ortho appointments were very private. All my x-rays and consultation were all done in private. Only after you get your braces do they move you into the big room.
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You guys are lucky

#14 Post by HollyDontSpend »

Y'all have it good. My ortho has about 8 chairs with no partitions anywhere. Next to each one is a computer where they put up your before shots and everyone that walks by can see them. There is a room with one chair in it, but it faces a window that looks onto the large room. I've never seen anyone in there. I got my braces on in the large room too. Lemme tell ya, having those lip spreaders on and little kids walking by watching made me die a little inside. At least the chairs face the walls, and the big window. :?
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#15 Post by Grapefruit »

My ortho's office has about 9 chairs that are in one room, and 2 chairs in seperate room. (for removal and x-ray/photos) And then there are benches and chairs all around and you wait for someone to get up and then u wait for them to call your name.

Its awkward sometimes, Im a shy person so I don't like people peeping into my mouth that aren't assistants/doctors. But, now wat I do is make my appt's during the morning, around 11, then there aren't that many ppl there. Maybe like 3-5 ppl, which is WAY more comfortable for me!

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