I am being treated on the NHS currently and have had braces on for 16 months, I have joint clinic tonight to discuss my treatment plan and hopefully get a date for the op.
I have private health care through my employer which wouldn't pay for orthodontics but MAY pay for surgery. I need upper jaw impaction, lower jaw advancement and genioplasty so I am guessing it is Lefort 1, BSSO & Genio? I will confirm that tonight anyway.
Has anyone gone from NHS orthodontics to private surgery? Does it work out ok? I will be using the same surgeon whether I go private or not so really I am just hoping to jump the queue.
So basically what is the benefit of going private?
Has anyone done it this way?
NHS vs Private
Moderator: bbsadmin
Re: NHS vs Private
What will happen with your postop orthodontic care? Will the NHS still do it?
It's not rare to have elective procedures postponed on the NHS if there's a emergency case or even due to
a lack of available beds, I'd imagine private operations get postponed far less frequently.
That fact together with potentially skipping the queue is the reason I'd consider the private route.
It's not rare to have elective procedures postponed on the NHS if there's a emergency case or even due to
a lack of available beds, I'd imagine private operations get postponed far less frequently.
That fact together with potentially skipping the queue is the reason I'd consider the private route.