Cleaning retainers

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Cleaning retainers

#1 Post by megz0501 »

Hey! Last Wednesday I finally got my braces removed! Had them for 18 months. Anyway, I got clear retainers to wear everynight and I keep the clear one on, on bottom teeth all day except when eating. I know they told me to use clear mouthwash to clean the retainers, but it's super difficult to find clear mouthwash. What has your orthodontist recommended for you?

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Felina Grimm
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Re: Cleaning retainers

#2 Post by Felina Grimm »

My ortho said to just use water, but my retainers stink so bad. So I use hand soap and a brush very slowly at least once a day and I soak twice a week with denture cleaner for 5 minutes.
Sentence: 24 months, months served: 35 months
Traditional Full-Metal Brackets
Top: 9/9/2014
Bottom: 10/15/2014
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Re: Cleaning retainers

#3 Post by Prometheus »

Back when I had Invisalign (which didn't work for me, but that is another story) I used retainer brite, it works well. The owner of this message board, Lynn owns a website that sells it, along with other useful bits. You can find it here:
Lower braces on March 11, 2015, upper braces added July 14, 2015.
Damon, metal bottom / clear top.
Braces off March 26, 2018: Total time in braces: 3 years, 2 weeks and 1 day.
Hawley retainers top and bottom.

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Re: Cleaning retainers

#4 Post by FlyByNight »

I brush them with cool water every night before I put them in and use I am a Spammer about once a month.

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Re: Cleaning retainers

#5 Post by lundberg »

My orthodontist just recommended to brush them with water everyday and it will be fine. I sometimes used soap because water alone was not enough (regular hand soap).

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Re: Cleaning retainers

#6 Post by Beckett »

By the time I get my braces off we will have a total of 7 retainers in this house among 4 wearers. I'm seriously considering an ultrasonic cleaner contraption. Right now all the kids soak theirs in an effervescent denture cleaner thing, but I think the ultrasonic will work better. We will all have Hawleys, but I will have a backup pair of clear ones as well. I have to use those for the two weeks it takes for my regular ones to be made.
Braces for 18 months/4 days.


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Re: Cleaning retainers

#7 Post by jem »

I use retainerbrite once a week. On other days I brush my retainer with a soft toothbrush and bar soap. That seems to work well and no scratches on my retainer.
Sectional brace with Damon clear brackets fitted to front 6 upper teeth 3 January 2012
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months
. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)

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Re: Cleaning retainers

#8 Post by djspeece »

I brush mine daily as directed by the dentist and soak them maybe once or twice a week. I am not concerned with scratches on the retainer (I have a Vivera and it seems very tough) because i only have to wear the retainer at night, and anyhow as soon as a little saliva gets in there they become completely transparent.

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