Things I have learned in 7 weeks!

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Things I have learned in 7 weeks!

#1 Post by ReaJT »

So it’s been 7 weeks since I had my ceramic braces (upper and lower) fitted. I thought I’d share some of the things I have experienced to hopefully reassure anyone else in the same position as this board has been a great source of reassurance for me.

- my lips inside were ulcered to bits! The first week I could barely eat or talk, I had an ulcer pretty much at every bracket contact point. But it did get better! All of sudden I realised I only had 2, then 1, then none!
- the pain is worse when chewing. I expected a constant ache but this goes really quickly after fitting/adjustments. The tenderness when biting or chewing lasts a lot longer tho.
- biting is hard. I still don’t fully trust them to bite into anything and am ripping up even sandwiches. I’d just about got used to it then I had an adjustment and now they’re too sore to bite again.
- all of a sudden your speech is back to normal. Again I didn’t notice when it happened but I went from struggling with some sounds to being back to normal in a few weeks.
- some teeth have felt wobbly! This I did not expect but apparently it is normal!
- brackets come off. I lost one eatting a pasty that had an unsuspected hard lump in it - no matter how careful you are sometimes the world conspires against you.
- wires come out. The thin flexible wire I had on the bottom came out both back brackets. I couldn’t get it back in and the ortho was shut for Christmas so I just had to put up with it.
- getting wire ligatures requires force - or at least it did for me. I was surprised how much pulling was involved tying these on compared to hooking on a rubber one, in fact a bracket detached and fired across the room and the ortho had to put a new one on.
- sugar was causing me major sesitivity but using sensodyne seems to have solved this.
- food isn’t the pleasure it used to be. This ones a bummer. Even food which doesn’t hurt or stain gets jammed in all the gaps requiring immediate brushing, and I am very self conscious eating anything dark in front of people in case it is all caught in my braces.

Sorry for rambling on! It’s been a steep learning curve full of things I did not expect so hopefully this helps someone just getting theirs :-)

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Re: Things I have learned in 7 weeks!

#2 Post by 41Braced »

My big day for getting braces is tomorrow. It’s been on my mind all night, basically the unknown of it all. This is helpful, thank you.

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Re: Things I have learned in 7 weeks!

#3 Post by ReaJT »

Good luck! I’ve just realised how negative my post sounds - despite all that I can see changes happening and I am so happy I finally took the plunge. So it’s worth all the sacrifices, annoyance and aches and pains so far and I’m sure you will feel the same. The first week was the worst but it does get so much better!

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Re: Things I have learned in 7 weeks!

#4 Post by captainparker »

I'm totally with you ReaJT!! I'm 5 months in and apart from the fact that I have had virtually no ulcers (but this is my second time at braces, having had them as a teenager - so maybe that has helped) my surprises in addition to those you have mentioned are:
-the changing of the archwire involves so much pressure not just the ligatures ! The pressure needed to close the gates on the brackets is initially a bit alarming and rather painful. It's worse at the first 4 or 5 appointments because your teeth are tender and sensitive from movement. However it is all over fairly quickly.
-the extra bits of ceramic and bumper-stops glued on at various appointments
-the warning that elastic bands are coming
-the IPR that has already been needed (like coarse sandpapering between my teeth!)
-the scary gaps and lack of gum (I really hope it will grow between my teeth, but I doubt it will!)
-the staining that WILL happen no matter how careful you are at trying to avoid things like mustard (it's hidden in burger sauce as I discovered to my detriment)
-the times you forget that you can't bite into anything really - so when someone gave me a box of Christmas biscuits I was really pleased and then devastated that I couldn't eat them.
-the extra hygienist appointments needed...there is just so much tartar, it's a constant battle
However I am also very happy I took the plunge too and as you quite rightly say IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT !!!

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Re: Things I have learned in 7 weeks!

#5 Post by Emscrowding »

I get my ceramic braces on Tuesday morning, I am so excited and nervous it’s all I’ve been able to think about since my consultation two weeks ago. I have moderate crowding on the top and bottom and a narrow smile. I’m most nervous about the fact that I have to go to work right after I get them on and I’m worried I’m going to tear up my mouth because I work at a very busy doctors office and talk a ton. Here’s to hoping I adjust to them quickly.

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