Satisfaction after braces...

If you have finished with your orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers (or will be soon), this is a special place to connect with others in your (enviable) situation. Ask a question or make a comment about life post-braces.

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#31 Post by Alison »

:) Hi....

Im pretty happy with my teeth..tho no, they are not perfect and I was hoping for better.....but I am realistic! Ive always had quite big horsey kind of teeth but sadly I still have quite horsey looking teeth but they are straight! I still have MY smile, but so much better :D

Reading all the different things that can be done to our an ideal world I would have probably had to have had A LOT of dental work done to have perfect teeth

I had a top brace only....(Im wearing a retainer now) my teeth look 100% better than they were

But....I think if I had gone the whole hog I would have probably had to wear expanders, bottom as well as top braces I have an odd shaped small arch and outward leaning molars... and it would have took a great deal of time...& maybe even surgery?

but just having my top teeth done..for me..was enough! my teeth dont look perfect but they just look pretty & normal and thats more than I could ask for....

Im not a model or a hollywood I dont need or want to look perfect...I just look like me...but better! :D

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#32 Post by Dodger(UK) »

I could have almost written that myself, Alison, cause that's exactly how I feel. :wink:

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#33 Post by johnnys_angel »

This is probably just me, but when people's teeth look TOO straight, it, to me, doesn't look as good as the 'natural, normal' look.

BTW Chrissie your teeth are BEAUTIFUL! I love them :D

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post brace satisfaction

#34 Post by dust »

I will post pics later, but I am severely disappointed.
I expressed my concerns thru-out Tx and in the middle of Tx ,doc was a jerk.
My teeth on the bottom are crowded, about 60-75% overbite. Bottom teeth tilt inwards. Front lower teeth overlap.I was 43 beginning Tx. Top teeth were straight from the beginning,
Top braces went on 1st, to project the top teeth to not bite into lower. I was given no choice.
He said he would reverse that after Tx.
After 6 months, lower braces on.
Doc only bracketed to the 4th tooth each side.
I complained and he said ' they are straight"
My complaint was that the teeth tilt inward and did not make contact with the upper teeth.
He complained and put them on but much later in Tx.
He said it didnt matter ( to whom?)

My lower front teeth are crooked and the midline is off.
After 4 years he said that was it.
He said oh he could straighten that front loewer tooth after braces were off and would correct the projection he made too.
After braces were off, I received an ill fitting retainer- top only fit between teeth on one side, and the lower retainer only covered the 4 front teeth.
He forgot about the other two issues he said he would fix, and when I REM,INDED HIM,, OH YEAH MY TEETH LOOKED GOOD,, BUT IT WOULD BE ANBOTHER CHARGE TO FIX THOSE TWO THINGS.
WhenI post pics you can see why I am upset.
FRom all I have seen and read, my problem is so EASY to fix!
So after 4 years of braces and two years of ill fitting retainers, I still have overlapping bottom teeth and an 'off' midline, tilted inward bottom teeth, an overbite of about 60-75%, PLUS athe ADDED bonus of the projection where my top teeth rest on my lower lip.
I read so much about this simple situation of mine and it seems to be an easy fix.
Pics are coming,,

Just tilt those lower teeth out to open the bit so the top and lower teeth touch.

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#35 Post by Chris »

I can certainly feel your frustration. I was told that the average treatment time is 2 years unless its a complicated situation and you've been in braces for 4 years. Could it be that the teeth just would not move any more? Some roots just don't budge. Or perhaps the ortho was worried about root absorption since that is a possibility when braces are on too long. Don't get me wrong, I'm not siding with the ortho here, he could be inept as far as I know but I just wondered if after 4 years, that REALLY was the best he could do. Did you get a second opinion afterwards?

My husband was not happy with his first ortho and towards the end of treatment went with another guy that he was very happy with. Both orthos agreed to compromises in payment and it all worked out.
Top Braces June 2004
Bottom Braces November 2004
Debanded January 2007

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#36 Post by dust »

Thanks for replying.
No, the teeth could have moved more.
All the ortho wanted was to do something, as little as possible with the front teeth. He did no bite evaluation.
My teeth did not touch in the back was another of my complaints before braces.
He did not address that either.
Oh yes he bracketed all the top but not the bottom.
There was no issue on top teeth.
He did not try to expand/open the bottom teeth which was my complaint .
He got me in his office ALONE and said some unprofessional things to degrademe and try to get me to yell at him so he could dismiss me as a patient.
He did this to another patient . You see, I am an adult with no children so I cannot bring in any more $$ for him.
I got another three opinions, and they all decided that they could do better and give me results. BUT each had a different method and each would start from scratch,, meaning big bucks.
From what I see, my dorrection is NOT monumental, and could be achieved EASIly thru good positioner technique or ALF wire of twin block or even bulidup of the back teeth.
One of the other docs I went to had MY ortho in partnership with him many years ago. That doc asked my doc to leave because he was unprofessional with several patients, not in any sexual harass type but when patients expressed concerns about the Tx, he got nasty with them and tried intimidation to get them to shut up about his method of tx.
You see, this man is slick ans suttle to keep himself rolling.
Since then , I have heard many more complaints but others feel like me- your money is gone and you are left hanging as we do not have the cash to do it again,,
thanks again,

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#37 Post by rooroo »

I love my new smile! I would rate it a 9, as there are some things I saw after the braces came off that would have been nice to fix, but I couldn't of known about those before the braces came off. Overall, once my teeth are whitened, they look 100 times better than before braces. Invisalign did half the work and the braces did the rest.
2 year Invisalign patient graduated to ceramics to finish up treatment

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#38 Post by Chris »

Perhaps your alternative would be to write to the local board of dentistry or orthodontics expressing your concerns. If you decide on continuing treatment with another ortho, perhaps he could write a letter stating what else could be done to improve your situation, let them work out together some "exchange of monies". Its been done... it happened to my husband and because orthos all know each other, they were willing to adjust their fees to save face.

And there is always the BBB to complain to. If you had several letters from orthos recommending further treatment, include them to the BBB. They may be able to help you recoup the monies so that you can continue treatment elsewhere. Either way, the letter remains on his record.
Top Braces June 2004
Bottom Braces November 2004
Debanded January 2007

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#39 Post by Bracingmyself »

Well, this is an issue that I have been thinking about. I haven't started treatment yet but I am concerned as to the end result b/c they have crooked for so long some are different shapes etc.
I do not need braces for dental health, I have very good condition teeth and gums (my dentist is very pleased) it is purely for cosmetic reasons after not having braces as a child when I should.
I expressed my concern about the end result and my Ortho was completely honest when she said they won't be perfect - although I am not un-realistic enough to expect 'hollywood teeth'! But I am having shaping done after braces to match up and shave off points.
She is very careful not to promise too much and to keep expectations realistic which I respect her for. She has also offered to do me a simulation.
It would be great if those here who said they weren't happy with the end results could post before and after pics.
What we may not think of as great another may think opposite and although this doesn't change how you feel, after, it's your teeth, It could help those of us who are new to this to see just why you are not happy.
I hope that makes sense and not offence is meant.

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#40 Post by dust »

thanks for the replies.
I reminded him of what he told me he would correct post braces. After the braces were removed, he said oh yes, another 2k.
I tried my argum,ent but he was a jerk and I have lost 5K on nothing , only gaining an over jet and reain crooked fromt teeth
I am broke and left with worse than what I started.

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#41 Post by Bracingmyself »

Oh Dust I am sorry you have had such a rotten experience.
Is there anyway you can put a complaint into a governing body about him or perhaps court action to try to regain some money back and be able to recoup some costs and get the problems fixed elsewhere?
I feel very fortunate so far with my Ortho. I have asked a ton of questions and am having a model simualtion done b/c of my concerns on how the finished product would look. She is glad I am being so cautious and I thought I was being a pain! I am lucky to have her treat me and feel so bad for you and your terrible ortho - he sounds a right piece of work.
I hope you can take some action.
Good luck :)

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#42 Post by dust »

no, I just gave up. I went to 2 other orthos for consults and each had different approach which would be more $$ and I am not in a position for that . Back problems have taken over my pocketbook.
But the whole braces thing was a waste of money. I wish I could post pics but cannot locate the charger for the old camera.
I have been busy looking for viable alternatives like truax or orthotain positioners or inman appliances or SOMETHING that wont cost so much,,
Thanks for your reply,,
God Bless!

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#43 Post by Deb12 »

I was happy with my teeth when they first took it off. It wasn't perfect but it was better than I expected. But then noone even complimented me on my new teeth so I asked one of friends and he honestly said that there is kind of an overbite and my teeth look big. So I feel worse now because I began with an underbite and now it's an overbite so maybe it looks worst than before.

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#44 Post by Clough »

I certainly was very open minded all through my treatment (should have been 18mths, got off with 11mths). I certainly wasn't expecting a hollywood smile, but I just got mine off this morning and I feel like Mister Ed. I told them for the first time that I was disappointed - so disappointed that I forgot to get my coat on the way out. I really did not expect myself to react like this. I figured that anything would be better than the one annoying tooth that was causing the problem.
What kind of bothered me is that my top teeth which were never really the problem, are not in proper alignment now. The whole way through treatment I was happy out, and was happy with I could see happening with the braces. I guess that's why I'm a little shocked because I didn't expect to see what I saw when the braces came off. In fact, the first day I got braced, I came out of the office laughing. I'm not crying today - but I'm certainly not laughing.

Well - no use talking about it now - its a done deal and I hope I get used to them very soon.

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#45 Post by rooroo »

Its very common for your front teeth to look big right after getting your braces off. I thought mine looked kind of big too. But you're so used to having something breaking up the big flat surface of your teeth (the bracket) that visually, your teeth look so enormous compared to having the braces on. Seriously, you will change your mind and your teeth will look great. It's kind of like a hair style change. Sometimes you instantly love a new hairstyle, and sometimes it has to grow on you a bit.
2 year Invisalign patient graduated to ceramics to finish up treatment

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