Open Bite After Braces

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Open Bite After Braces

#1 Post by eshinn »


I got braces 2 years ago due to a severe open bite in the front. When I used to bite my teeth together, the front teeth would not touch. Now, after getting my braces off, the bite has been slowly opening again. Is there something that could possible close the bite again without getting braces for the second time? My open bite now isn't as severe as it was before I had braces. It just bothers me because I see some spots when I close my teeth together. I may have to perform tongue thrust exercises?

Please let me know. Thanks

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Re: Open Bite After Braces

#2 Post by angeamber »

Hello Eshinn,

I would suggest asking your orthodontist, or seeing another orthodontist for a consult. I have heard about orthodontists doing free consultations with a reference. I do not know what more. I mean, the point of the braces were to make sure that your bite is corrected and thus your teeth overlap properly. I do not know too much about braces, but if I was in your shoes, this is the process I would go about.

Good luck! Sorry I couldn't be of much help.

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Re: Open Bite After Braces

#3 Post by djspeece »

What sort of retainer are you using, and what is your routine (i.e., do you wear it all day and all night, only at night, etc.)? That may have something to do with it. As Angeamber indicated, I'd recommend you consult with your orthodontist ASAP before it gets worse. Hopefully this can be corrected easily. Best of luck to you.

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