- New elastic configuration in a parallelogram shape to start settling my back teeth together, no more Class III's for now. In fact, I wore my old elastics so well my orthodontist said I gave myself a slight overbite

- Power thread on my lowers from canine to canine to close spacing (I had a sizebale gap in between my front two lower teeth and it’s already almost closed!)
- New wires on top and bottom, not sure of the size but they are are the stainless steel wires now instead of Ni-Ti.
- I decided to be a little adventures and got light blue ties just for heck of it (my orthodontist office does colors on the top 6 teeth if your oral hygiene is good). I actually kind of like how they look on the clear brackets.
My orthodontist is still extremely impressed with how fast my bite has improved, every time I go he tells the assistant to look where I was to where I am now as giddy as can be

I go back October 2nd. I’m hoping this fast movement keeps going and I get my braces off sooner than expected!
Also, I found out why my braces are so high on my teeth. It’s for creating an optimal smile arc when all is said and done.