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I have been reading the boards and I noticed a lot of people have pain right after they get braced or after and adjustment. I had that pain, but I am also having intermittent pain every couple of days. It feels as though I have been hit in the mouth with a baseball bat and all my bottom teeth are loose. If that was the only pain I might be not so worried- but I also seem to have this shooting pain like the nerves in my bottom teeth are freaking out and firing pain through my chin. The pain gets so bad that to do anything where my lip may touch my bottom teeth hurts-including drinking smoothies through a straw or even yawning. I think part of it has to do with the clenching at night and my top teeth hitting my bottom brackets- but i think the majority of the pain is coming from teeth movement.
Please someone else tell me you have gone through or go through similar pain!
I honestly thought I was the only one with this severe pain!
I had a really painful adjustment about 2 weeks ago and the last couple of days I've had a really hard time eating because my bottom teeth hurt so bad! They feel hecka loose too! THe one tooth that hurts the most is really crooked and close to another one.
I also have some shooting pain going through my chin! I'm not sure why though! My top teeth actually cover most of my bottom teeth even with the braces and I think that also might be contributing to my pain!
I hope this pain is coming from movement!
I really hope this pain goes away soon for the both of us!
I have tried to talk to my ortho about it and he hasn't been too receptive-hence why I demanded an appointment with him to discuss this concern amongst other concerns I have with the lack of communication or responsibility. Last time I tried to talk about this with him-he was out of the office and directed me to call my dentist-who could only prescribe pain pills for me. But I don't want to, nor can I walk around on pain pills all day every time this pain happens.
It feels good though to know I am not alone in this. My bottom teeth were very crowded and after i had two exttractions on the bottom, one tooth actually turned in on the tooth next to it and the gum became caught in between. I have only been in braces for about two months now and it has been a nightmare of unepexcted events and with an ortho who isn't very helpful or supportive it hasn't been easy. But finding out that I am not the only one who is feeling this type of pain makes me very happy ( as happy as one can get about
legallylexi--do you have powerchains? How often are you getting adjustments?
Does anyone know if those things could have this sort of effect? Everyone's different and maybe the movement is too fast for you right now or something. There's an "Ask A Doc" forum on this board--if you haven't posted there yet, see if you can get some more info that way. Good luck.
four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
timeframe for braces: 24-30 months
I thought I was weird after adjustments things don't really dother me. It is almost 2 weeks down the road and something gets tender or if I have a tooth with a filling I noticed that gets a bit painful.
I have seen my teeth move without any pain, then out of the blue when they ache I would get very worried thinking the worst...typical worrier here folks, and I started to read that alot people on here say sometimes they get tender teeth a few days even weeks after an adjustment. It actually calmed my fears then.
So we are normal after all. I met with my ortho yesterday and found out that the pain is normal-it usually happens to adults and women in particular. Something about men already grinding their teeth makes them less likely to have this pain. Anyway, he also said that the pain is probably from the tooth movement- but also from the clenching I am doing at night. So now the question is that he can make a nightguard for me- but it will slow down the process and add another 10 months to the 2 and a half years I am already scheduled for. I told him I would think about the night guard. I probably really need it, but adding another 10 months is not appealing to me at all. I was hoping to be out of these shortly after I turn 30. Any comments or opinions? Is the 10 extra months worth it?
I honestly can't believe your ortho said this pain was normal! My teeth better be moving a whole heck of a lot for this agony! It was so hard to eat dinner last night my bottom teeth hurt so bad! I can hardly chew and bite into anything! I don't think this happens to most
I think for this pain I would honestly add the extra 10 months to treatment. If I were clenching which I don't think I am I would get the night guard for this pain! I think its just my wacky and screwy bite I have that helps to cause this!