Morning, Day 1: doing great! The process itself was fairly easy, painless. I left the office feeling good that I was doing this for myself, scoffed at the ortho's advice to take some painkillers, and headed to work

Evening, Day 1: still doing pretty well. Lots of pressure, felt all my teeth loosening, some pain but not too bad. Eating was impossible, but hey, this is cool anyway! Still haven't taken any painkillers.
Morning, Day 2: still doing okay. Took the dog for a walk, went to work. Felt a lot of "itchiness" from the loosening teeth (if that makes sense), but still no need for painkillers even though I'm hurting somewhat.
Afternoon, Day 2???? Okay, shoot me

Plus, my midline has shifted already -- and NOT in the right direction, and trying to sit through meetings at work is absolute TORTURE!!!
It can't get *worse* than this, RIGHT???!!!