My small ranting and A - "have you ever done this?- que

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My small ranting and A - "have you ever done this?- que

#1 Post by Knucemike »

I had my 15th adjustment today. I had a feeling things were not moving real fast. The extraction gaps on the top have hardly closed any since my last adjustment. I also have gaps that have formed between my molars that have not closed any, plus the top molars have rotated some. Soo - at my next adjustment in April it looks like i get to do the spacers again and get 4 more molar bands installed. BOY am i excited!

I also finally asked when he thinks i will be done - thinking all along that my estimated date was early to mid summer. HA! it looks like now i will be around here till about april of 07.

So, today they put on rubber bands over the gaps and i get to "keep" my other rubber bands for at least another 2 months. Now going on 9 months with rubber bands. I went with light blue ligs this time.

Overall not a happy camper today.

Now for the - have you ever done this question. The assistant was removing the smaller wires off the top gaps. She got done removing the left wire and, not paying attention, i thought she had them both off. I thought she was taking her finger out but she was actually moving to the other side to remove the other wire. I needed to swallow so i closed my mouth and ended up biting the end of her finger. Luckly it wasnt very hard but I did feel kinda stupid. So has anyone else ever done anything that dumb?
Last edited by Knucemike on Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Braces on 11/03 - Hopefully off 5/06 -Now changed to 4/07

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#2 Post by Flora2006 »

I am soo sorry about your adjustment and what was said/done. 2007 will come in no time and just keep reminding yourself that at the really really is worth it.

As for your question, I never bit my dentist's finger but I almost did once when he was doing a filling. He took the mirror thing out of my mouth and than I didn't really see him or feel that he still had another instrument so I was closing my mouth and kind of hit the it was a close call I guess.

I always wonder if dentists get bit a lot?


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
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#3 Post by Silverware »

I'd imagine it happens all the time! Just think, dentists/orthos/assistants have their hands in people's mouths for hours every day... it's only logical they get bit every now and then! I'll bet they have a "severed digit" clause on their insurance policy :P

I almost did bite my ortho AND the assistant at the same time yesterday! The ortho was discing one of my back molars to fit a band on and the assistant was helping hold my cheek open. Suddenly the discer slipped and went into my gumline. It didn't hurt that much, but it did scare the crap out of me and make me jerk quite a bit. The ortho appoligized but he doesn't know how close he came to losing a finger ;)

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#4 Post by Michal »

LOL, I bit my ortho when he was putting on the molar bands. He didn't even flinch. I look at it as being even since he had streched my mouth out and pinched my lips a couple of times. I felt really bad that I bit him though.

3M Clarity up front, rest metal--20 Jan 2006
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#5 Post by littleshaddies »

When I went to have my four extractions I don't think I could even feel my mouth was open from all the injections. So here we go, pull and the first is out. Pull again, there is me waiting to see the second one only to hear my dentist say "you can let go of my fingers now".
Considering I had no feeling in my mouth I have no idea how hard I was biting him. Hope he was OK :lol:
***can't wait to bite into an aple***

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#6 Post by sleater »

I had my four extractions last Friday and my dentist was joking around how I better be careful not to bite his finger because it's 15 years bad luck! We just had a terrible right-wing prime minisiter elected in, here in Canada :cry: and my dentist was saying if I bite his finger it means Harper (the new prime minister) will be in power for another 15 years...AHHHH! Then what do I do about 5 minutes later. Chomp right down on his finger, I was so frozen that I had no idea what was going in and out of my mouth. He was fine but I did feel pretty bad! I'm just hoping his little joke doesn't come true.

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#7 Post by Lexy »

I bit my ortho's assistant at my last adjustment. :shock:

She was having major difficulties putting in wire ties to close my extraction gaps. They kept snapping when she twisted them. She went through 3 wires (on each side!) before she finally got them attached. My appointment was only supposed to be 20 minutes long and I was there for almost an hour and a half!

Needless to say, as we neared the end of my adjustment, my jaw was aching. The assistant was running her finger along my wires to make sure there was nothing sharp sticking out, and suddenly my jaw involuntarily closed. Thankfully it wasn't very hard (her finger was between my teeth, but there was no pressure.)

She gave a little startled, "Oh!" I blushed profusely and immediately apologized to her. She laughed and said it was ok, it wasn't the first time she'd been bitten by a patient. :oops:

I have to admit, it was a little funny, but man, how embarassing. :P
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#8 Post by fins »

I bit my ortho too when I was getting bands put on. You know how you have to bite all the time when fitting bands? Well I went to bite and there was a finger in the way. I was mortified and apologized profusely. :oops:

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#9 Post by Flora2006 »

littleshaddies wrote:Funny....
When I went to have my four extractions I don't think I could even feel my mouth was open from all the injections. So here we go, pull and the first is out. Pull again, there is me waiting to see the second one only to hear my dentist say "you can let go of my fingers now".
Considering I had no feeling in my mouth I have no idea how hard I was biting him. Hope he was OK :lol:

That is hilarious!!!


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
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#10 Post by Knucemike »

Thanks to everyone who wrote about their biting experiances. I dont feel quite so stupid now!
Braces on 11/03 - Hopefully off 5/06 -Now changed to 4/07

Posts: 29
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#11 Post by oklanole »

I bit my ortho while he was putting on the brackets. I was embarassed but he just laughed about it. I was numb from getting four extractions at the time so I could not even speak to say I am sorry. It just came out as mumbo -jumbo.

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#12 Post by IndyBraceFace »

I didn't bite anyone, but when I was getting my molar bands on the first time, I shot a stream of saliva at the assistant while I was trying to swallow with my mouth open. Oops! She just laughed and said, "Don't worry. This isn't the first time I've been spit on!"

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