Horrible Pain in Upper Jaw - Expander to Blame?

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Horrible Pain in Upper Jaw - Expander to Blame?

#1 Post by jrbecca »



I received my braces and an upper palette expander on Jan. 18. Beyond a few dull aches as my teeth have begun to loosen and shift, I have felt no pain. On Monday, I experienced a horrible pain in the left corner of my upper palette, that started out near the gumline and then shot quickly up my face. This pain occurred three separate times on Monday.

This afternoon, the pain reoccured, but on the exact opposite side of my jaw. The pain was so intense, I became nauseated and couldn't speak. I'm wondering if this pain is caused by my expander, as both times, the pain originated from points very near where my expander is pressing on my teeth/upper palette. My expander is spring-operated--no manual manipulation required.

Am I feeling the pain of a fissure as it "breaks" my jawbone apart to widen it? Or perhaps my teeth are moving more quickly than my expander can keep up with?

Has anyone with an expander experienced anything like this? Any insights? I will call my orthodontist in the morning--his office is closed on Fridays, but I may page him considering the intensity of the pain.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts!

Please join me on my orthodontic journey at: http://jrbecca.blogspot.com/

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#2 Post by Silverware »

I got my expander around the same time as you, but it is one that I must manually turn every day. Lately I've had some pain in one area of my teeth, where it seems the expander is pushing the teeth out more than the others. One of the expander "arms" has actually slipped up past the tooth-line and I sort of bite on it when I bite down. A few times lately I've also experienced pain in my lower jaw for a few quick seconds.. it feels like someone just shoved a blade into my lower jaw.. then the pain goes away. I'm just assuming it all has to do with the fact that my teeth are being ripped apart by this beastly appliance.

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#3 Post by Shoegal »

I had an expander put in at my original ortho (long before I actually ended up having the SARPE) and I was in so much pain! I had to have it taken out because it wasn't going to work for me. My expander looked like a hawley retainer...because of the way it fit in the roof of my mouth. The ortho was actually trying to get the roof of my mouth to open rather than pushing my teeth out. It was horrendous! When I moved to a new state my new ortho recommended the surgery and I went for it and I love the result! AND, I don't have to worry about a relapse! I hope you get it worked out! Let us know!


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#4 Post by candygrrrl »

See, this makes no sense to me. My ortho told me as well that my expander, which goes in this afternoon, is to move the bone, not the arch of my teeth. And that they had success doing that with the clients they felt qualified for the treatment, as they feel I do. But I've learned here that that bone is fused! I'm so confused . . .

Obviously, I want to avoid surgery if at all possible because of the cost, the potential risks, the time off work, etc. But I also want the best bite possible, and no relapse. I guess I have to have a discussion with my ortho, but has anyone here had the RPE appliance treatment as an adult and have it actually work?

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#5 Post by airxjordan24 »

i have had my rpe expander in since feb14. I;ve been turning the key every night before i go to bed. I havent experience any severe pain with this yet. From the looks of things, my top arch has noticibly expanded quite a bit.

like silverware stated earlier, one of the "arms" has come down and is poking my tongue :cry: . I thought my expander was broken, because i never noticed the "arm" until i heard a little pop sound when i was turning the other night.

if your an adult, the palate bone has already fused together. So it wont actually "break". I'm not sure how exactly this works without the surgery, but it looks like my top arch is widening.
1/21/06 - spacers and brackets
1/25/06 - 2 lower biscupids extracted
1/30/06 - lower archwire
2/13/06 - expander on uppers

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#6 Post by airxjordan24 »

oh, and you should definately contact your ortho regarding your pain. It seems rather unusual. My ortho adviced me if i felt any severe pain, to contact him right away.

goodluck with your treatment
1/21/06 - spacers and brackets
1/25/06 - 2 lower biscupids extracted
1/30/06 - lower archwire
2/13/06 - expander on uppers

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#7 Post by summergirl »

Maybe you turned the key to many times.Try turning it back a few times.See if that helps ,if not call your ortho today,don t suffer in pain.If the pain does not go away then there is a problem some where.

Good luck
Summergirl :evil: :evil:

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#8 Post by rsprouse »


Are you talking about the palatal side (inside)? And do you have expander attached to both a molar and a premolar band? Or is it a molar band and a wire the braces against the 1st premolar or canine? The palatal suture is near the midline and should not cause the pain. Is this a throbbing pain? Short burst? Does it go away? Do you have any symptoms of a cold/the flu? Could be something as simple as some fluid accumulating in your sinus. But since it is bilateral that is a good thing.


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#9 Post by Silverware »

airxjordan24 wrote:i have had my rpe expander in since feb14. I;ve been turning the key every night before i go to bed. I havent experience any severe pain with this yet. From the looks of things, my top arch has noticibly expanded quite a bit.

like silverware stated earlier, one of the "arms" has come down and is poking my tongue :cry: . I thought my expander was broken, because i never noticed the "arm" until i heard a little pop sound when i was turning the other night.

if your an adult, the palate bone has already fused together. So it wont actually "break". I'm not sure how exactly this works without the surgery, but it looks like my top arch is widening.
I'm going to contact my ortho on monday about the expander arm coming down. It is so prominent now that I bite down and that is all I hit--no tooth contact. I'm expericing extreme sensitivity in my lower jaw on the righthand side whenever I drink liquids, and I think this may be somehow related.

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#10 Post by Silverware »

summergirl wrote:Maybe you turned the key to many times.Try turning it back a few times.See if that helps ,if not call your ortho today,don t suffer in pain.If the pain does not go away then there is a problem some where.

Good luck
Summergirl :evil: :evil:
I don't think turning the key backwards is a good idea. Once you've turned it, bringing it back later will cause quite a bit of trauma to the palate since you are pushing and pulling, in a sense. Not only that, it would be nearly impossible to turn the expander backwards, by the position of the hole where the key goes.

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#11 Post by airxjordan24 »

Silverware wrote: I'm going to contact my ortho on monday about the expander arm coming down. It is so prominent now that I bite down and that is all I hit--no tooth contact. I'm expericing extreme sensitivity in my lower jaw on the righthand side whenever I drink liquids, and I think this may be somehow related.
I actually had an appointment with my ortho on friday. And yes, my expander was broken :cry: . Maybe your's is broken as well, since you had the same issue with the "leg" coming down.

Not to discourage you or anything, it hurt like hell when they removed my broken expander, and refitted new bands :cry: . Most painfully thing so far in my treatment.

good luck!
1/21/06 - spacers and brackets
1/25/06 - 2 lower biscupids extracted
1/30/06 - lower archwire
2/13/06 - expander on uppers

Posts: 40
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#12 Post by airxjordan24 »

Silverware wrote:
summergirl wrote:Maybe you turned the key to many times.Try turning it back a few times.See if that helps ,if not call your ortho today,don t suffer in pain.If the pain does not go away then there is a problem some where.

Good luck
Summergirl :evil: :evil:
I don't think turning the key backwards is a good idea. Once you've turned it, bringing it back later will cause quite a bit of trauma to the palate since you are pushing and pulling, in a sense. Not only that, it would be nearly impossible to turn the expander backwards, by the position of the hole where the key goes.
i had to turn it backwards once because i didnt turn the key all the way to return it. (kinda confusing) but yea, no pain at all....
1/21/06 - spacers and brackets
1/25/06 - 2 lower biscupids extracted
1/30/06 - lower archwire
2/13/06 - expander on uppers

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