OK,i am a bit pissed off

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Location: US

#16 Post by SamanthaClavier »

he ran out of pain pills three days ago.mon evening.he called and said he needed more (they gave him 16 oxycodone /apap 7.5-500mg)well i called at 3:30 and she said they closed at 4pm so we RUSHED to get to the office,we got there 5min before 4pm and the doc had already left.so she gave him an 1-800 emergncy #.ok well we SHOULD have got that in the first place.but sence he had to see the doc before he got scripes SO WE THOUGHT,we waited b/c i had left over(oxcodone/apap 5/500)(when i had my tonsils and adnoides out?!?!? cant spell it)well come to find out they are closed on tuesdays W.T.F who in this world IS CLOSED on a FREAKING tuesday! (sry this is just a new world of b.s i never knew about)

he is getting spacers in the morning and we will talk to them about it(ill ask if anyone has complained b/c i am mad)you know the ortho recmended him so i would THINK we wouldnt have b.s but i THINK to much :(

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Location: US

#17 Post by SamanthaClavier »

He "tried" to explain why itcost $245 more.I dont know if anyone else has read my other posts.Justin was a "fighter" (meaning he was moving "ALOT" so they had to give him more sadation(then they had to give him ANOTHER drug to wake him up) thats how it ended up being $245 more.It would be EASIER for them to eaxplain to me BEFORE i even left the office that it was going to be more.She knew i pade half.

I just went ahead and paid it off today. I just dont want anything else on my plate i have to worry about LOL

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