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...could you tell that they were in a different position? I just had mine repositioned on tuesday and to me, they look like they're exactly in the same place as before. Perhaps an inperceivably small difference can make a large difference in how the tooth lines up?
I'm feeling frustrated b/c my ortho, less than a month ago, was saying how I'd be debraced in 2 appointments. Now he "repositioned" some brackets and put me back in a 16 round wire. this wire downgrade makes me feel like im starting the whole process all over again, except that the results will be the same since my bracket positions didnt change!!
take a look for yourself...before
after "repositioning" and shaping/shortening of my front four teeth
I just had a few of my brackets repositioned and my ortho said that they go down in wire size because a stronger wire would cause too much pain (as it was, with a weaker wire I was in a fair amount of pain!).
I had three brackets repositioned on the bottom and I can't really tell they've been moved but they're apparently not as crooked as they were, same with the one on the top I got moved.
Good luck! I'm sure things will move fast in the next few weeks
Four Wisdom Teeth Extracted: January 2000
Lower First Bicuspids Extracted: Nov. 1st, 2005
Braces on: Nov. 24th, 2005
Duration: 24 months
I suppose it depends on the ortho and treatment but you can repostition and keep the same wire. The slight repositioning actually does move teeth, sometimes it's only a slight movement but Dr J said it's the sign of a good ortho to pay that much attention to detail.
I've had brackets repositioned...I couldn't tell the difference with most of the brackets changed, but was able to see the difference on one tooth.
They also stepped me down a wire for one month, though I went back to the previous size at the next adjustment.
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
Hawley retainers top and bottom
I had a bracket repositioned on my last adjustment and I asked my ortho why I had to get back to my previous archwire (I felt the same as you, like a downgrade), and he told me something like you said, Megera_S
my ortho said that they go down in wire size because a stronger wire would cause too much pain (as it was, with a weaker wire I was in a fair amount of pain!).
Wow, it was a lot of pain here too but now my two front teeth are even! I'm really happy. I'm sure your teeth will move to a better position in almost no time, and you might not notice it, but they will move!