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Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2007 8:39 pm
Location: San Diego

#16 Post by Chiwawamom »

I have an apt tomorrow to get it clipped/ground down.....My ortho is squeezing me in as they close at 530p cuz they don't want me to go too long with this annoying wire...I thought that was pretty nice. If I even run my tounge by it......the wire catches my tounge....its a nasty wire. I have been putting wax on it once in a while but I can stand having wax in when I eat..it grosses me out for some reason.

wired after 50
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Joined: Wed May 02, 2007 6:48 pm
Location: North Carolina

#17 Post by wired after 50 »

:soremouth: I caught the inside of my mouth with the wire today and felt like I had a fish hook in my cheek. It took what seemd like at least a minute to get it loose. My face was red and I was almost in tears. This was at work in front of a co-worker. Man did it ever hurt.

This had happened before but just a quick pull nothing like what happened today so I had asked the girl at my ortho yesterday when they were adding the back brackets and putting on a new wire if it was the wire and she said no it was the bracket. I am not sure but I leave for New York tomorrow for 5 days so I will be taking lots of wax.

I think I should have waited until after the trip for my first adjustment. It hurts to eat but I am doing it... I have read about eating right. But we have to have a business breakfast Thursday morning and I might just be drinking coffee.

Sometime I think I am too old for this... :roll:


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