My jaw hurts

Yesterday had my lower ceramics fitted. And only the brackets of my upper lingulals, no wire.
These ceramics feel HUGE. The linguals are miniture compared to these bad boys. All went well no pain in the teeth yesterday just a really really sore jaw. Actually I think thats whats hurting me the most today. Have pretty bad TMJ to begin with.
My lower ceramics are so noticeable. I cant really cover them with my lower lip. I look like a twat.
There is a bracket on my upper linguals that keeps on catching a taste bud on my tongue and ripping it!!!!!!!!!!! I must admit though, the wax i was given stays put for hours and hours. Very good. I have a lisp. Dont care, my jaw hurts to much to care about how i sound. Front teeth dont hurt very much....its all about the back molars they kill! Why is this guys?
At least for now i only have to deal with the pain in my lower teeth jaw. Both 2nd upper pre molars getting extracted on 11th Nov.
Lingual wire fitted on 30th Nov.
$16k later i got one stupid toothbrush and a little wax! haha. Well at least they are on! No spacers for me, hooray! Possibly springs, boo!