Permanent Numbness

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Re: Permanent Numbness

#16 Post by xjoe28 »

Im 3 months post op. The feeling in my right side of my chin/mouth has came back a month or more faster then the left. The left side currently is at a stand still of very weird, tingly, annoying sensations 24/7. Im not sure if it will correct. But it sure is very annoying. Also, the stretching exercises (which ive been skipping lately) are starting to hurt the right side. My guess is the left side hurts too i just can't feel it. Hoping the feeling comes back on the left.

Anyways, heres a side note: I had trigeminal neuralgia type 2 and occipital neuralgia diagnosed 5 or so years before my operation. I told my surgeon about it once but that was it. It was pretty irrelevant. When i woke up from surgery, I will never forget the horrible, suicidal pain i was in for that entire day/night but it was head pain from my occipital neuralgia, not directly due to the surgery. After surgery I went home the next day per my own request. Didn't brush for the first couple days, but then when i first started brushing, i noticed if i touch the area of my trigeminal neuralgia it felt like it was EXTREMELY sensitive and on fire. That went on for about a month. Now my trigeminal neuralgia seems to have all but disapeared. A condition that crippled me literally and ruined my life, seems to be gone due to maybe the numbness from surgery? Im not sure. My occipital neuralgia is still here though. Thats my story and current condition 3 month post op.
Good luck all

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Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:31 am

Re: Permanent Numbness

#17 Post by snapdresser »

Oof. Have you considered leaving him a review on Yelp?
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