fozzy's journal
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Help please!
Well, 9 days in and I'm experiencing my first "emergency". Well, not an emergency, I guess, but it is uncomfortable.
The archwire slipped out of my 7th molar bracket. I was taking a glob of wax off the bracket before I brushed my teeth and I guess it somehow pulled the archwire out with it!
My 7th molars don't have ligs attached, so I'm guessing that my dentist wasn't trying to move them yet. I tried to put the archwire back in but only managed to make a mess of my cheek. Ouch!
I've left a message at the dentist office, but they aren't back until Tuesday (3 days away).
I'm not too sure what to do about this. It's a pretty long piece of wire, so I don't think wax would help, and it's too long to bend into a more comfortable spot. Should I just clip the wire behind my 6th molar? Help please!
EDITED: Well, I managed to put the wire back in all by myself. Yay! I think I was being too gentle with the wire before. I just got mad at it and magically, it popped right back into place.
The archwire slipped out of my 7th molar bracket. I was taking a glob of wax off the bracket before I brushed my teeth and I guess it somehow pulled the archwire out with it!
My 7th molars don't have ligs attached, so I'm guessing that my dentist wasn't trying to move them yet. I tried to put the archwire back in but only managed to make a mess of my cheek. Ouch!
I've left a message at the dentist office, but they aren't back until Tuesday (3 days away).
I'm not too sure what to do about this. It's a pretty long piece of wire, so I don't think wax would help, and it's too long to bend into a more comfortable spot. Should I just clip the wire behind my 6th molar? Help please!

EDITED: Well, I managed to put the wire back in all by myself. Yay! I think I was being too gentle with the wire before. I just got mad at it and magically, it popped right back into place.

So, I've had my braces for 3 weeks now. Tonight, my bottom archwire slipped out of both sides of my last brackets, and my 6th molar bracket on the left side popped off. I have several centimeters of archwire waving around on either side of my mouth.
It's not a pleasant sensation.
It happened only a couple of hours ago, and my bite already feels different. I guess my teeth really want to move back to their original position! It's strange, as I didn't think my teeth were moving at all. But now that there is no tension on my bottom arch, I can feel things shifting. So I guess there was movement after all.
I'll be calling my ortho tomorrow morning. I'm hoping that it's one of the weeks that they are in the office on Saturday. Hopefully, they can take me in tomorrow, re-attach my molar bracket, and replace my bottom archwire (as it's not fitting anymore! It's too short and it won't stay in my last brackets.)
I'll update again once I get this fixed.
It's not a pleasant sensation.
It happened only a couple of hours ago, and my bite already feels different. I guess my teeth really want to move back to their original position! It's strange, as I didn't think my teeth were moving at all. But now that there is no tension on my bottom arch, I can feel things shifting. So I guess there was movement after all.
I'll be calling my ortho tomorrow morning. I'm hoping that it's one of the weeks that they are in the office on Saturday. Hopefully, they can take me in tomorrow, re-attach my molar bracket, and replace my bottom archwire (as it's not fitting anymore! It's too short and it won't stay in my last brackets.)
I'll update again once I get this fixed.

Well, last night I tried to sleep with wires poking me and it just didn't work. I got so fed up around 2am that I got out of bed and clipped my archwire on both sides up to the next tooth. Ah, relief! (though I am waxing the heck out of the milimeter or so of archwire that is still poking out the back end.)
Left a message on my ortho's answering machine today. Looks like they aren't in the office again until Monday.
I hope I won't get into trouble for clipping my archwire! But there was no way that I could go the whole weekend with that much wire protruding in my mouth. The archwire was getting in the way every time I bit down or closed my teeth. Plus, the ends on both sides were so frayed that they were slicing up my tongue and cheeks, no matter how much wax I tried to put on there.
On the plus side, I am down 11 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I wish I had weighed myself before I got the braces on, so that I could see how much weight I have really lost. I have a feeling that it's more than 11 pounds.
Left a message on my ortho's answering machine today. Looks like they aren't in the office again until Monday.
I hope I won't get into trouble for clipping my archwire! But there was no way that I could go the whole weekend with that much wire protruding in my mouth. The archwire was getting in the way every time I bit down or closed my teeth. Plus, the ends on both sides were so frayed that they were slicing up my tongue and cheeks, no matter how much wax I tried to put on there.
On the plus side, I am down 11 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I wish I had weighed myself before I got the braces on, so that I could see how much weight I have really lost. I have a feeling that it's more than 11 pounds.

Oh my goodness, someone shoot me now please. My teeth hurt so much.
So I went to my ortho yesterday and he decided that since I was there, that they would just do an adjustment. So he switched me up to a "working" wire (his words). It seems that the first archwires I had were not very strong and were the one's that he always starts with. Now I am fitted with wires that will actually move my teeth!
The wire is so thick that he had to have his assistant chill down small sections of it with "dental ice" (not sure what that is, but she dipped a cotton swab into a container and then held it against the archwire to make it soft and bendable). Even with the archwire being chilled, it was still difficult for my ortho to manipulate it into the brackets.
Within minutes, my teeth were aching.
I went to bed early, and this morning I saw visible movement! Yay! But it sure comes with a price (extreme pain!)
None of my teeth fit together now when I try to bite down. Is that normal? They were fitting great before this new wire. And now only my wisdom teeth touch (and those are the only teeth without brackets on them.) I feel like I can't close my mouth properly, because my teeth are not touching. Hard to describe, but that's what it feels like.
Anyway, I've taken some advil and that seems to be helping a little. And now I will numb my pain with a large glass of white wine...
So I went to my ortho yesterday and he decided that since I was there, that they would just do an adjustment. So he switched me up to a "working" wire (his words). It seems that the first archwires I had were not very strong and were the one's that he always starts with. Now I am fitted with wires that will actually move my teeth!
The wire is so thick that he had to have his assistant chill down small sections of it with "dental ice" (not sure what that is, but she dipped a cotton swab into a container and then held it against the archwire to make it soft and bendable). Even with the archwire being chilled, it was still difficult for my ortho to manipulate it into the brackets.
Within minutes, my teeth were aching.
I went to bed early, and this morning I saw visible movement! Yay! But it sure comes with a price (extreme pain!)
None of my teeth fit together now when I try to bite down. Is that normal? They were fitting great before this new wire. And now only my wisdom teeth touch (and those are the only teeth without brackets on them.) I feel like I can't close my mouth properly, because my teeth are not touching. Hard to describe, but that's what it feels like.
Anyway, I've taken some advil and that seems to be helping a little. And now I will numb my pain with a large glass of white wine...

congrats on your first adjustment! mine's not for 1 1/2 weeks, and i'm nervous about the pain again
... but, like you said- more movement is worth it! 

Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

Well, yesterday was my 1 month anniversary of getting braces. I'm happy to report that for the most part, I'm quite used to these things now. They still slice up the inside of my lower lip when I have to talk too much in a day, but I usually load all of my brackets up with wax at night to give the tissue some time to heal while I sleep. Salt water rinses are now part of my every day life!
So, it's only been 6 days since my first adjustment and my teeth are now fitting together great when I bite down. It was only the first 3 days where I couldn't fully bite down. It's such an odd sensation, feeling your teeth move into a more suitable position when you bite! I kind of like it.
When I got adjusted last weekend, I switched my ligs from lavender to plain silver. I don't think I like the plain silver look so much, so I'll be trying a different colour on April 5th (my next adjustment). Maybe blue or turqoise (if they have it. Colour choices seem to be quite limited at my ortho office.)
I cannot believe how much my teeth have moved in the past week. One of my lower teeth was pushed slightly behind the others, and now it is right out front and in line with the rest of them! Crazy!
My ortho is currently trying to move my teeth as far forward as possible, so that he will be able to create more space through slenderizing. I'm hoping that the slenderizing will happen at my next appointment. He needs to create 3.5 mm of room, and so we're hoping he'll be able to do so without requiring extractions.
Oh, and I no longer feel the sudden urge to run and brush my teeth after every meal. I still brush them whenever the opportunity presents itself, but I feel like I can get away with just rinsing with a lot of water if a washroom isn't nearby.

So, it's only been 6 days since my first adjustment and my teeth are now fitting together great when I bite down. It was only the first 3 days where I couldn't fully bite down. It's such an odd sensation, feeling your teeth move into a more suitable position when you bite! I kind of like it.
When I got adjusted last weekend, I switched my ligs from lavender to plain silver. I don't think I like the plain silver look so much, so I'll be trying a different colour on April 5th (my next adjustment). Maybe blue or turqoise (if they have it. Colour choices seem to be quite limited at my ortho office.)
I cannot believe how much my teeth have moved in the past week. One of my lower teeth was pushed slightly behind the others, and now it is right out front and in line with the rest of them! Crazy!
My ortho is currently trying to move my teeth as far forward as possible, so that he will be able to create more space through slenderizing. I'm hoping that the slenderizing will happen at my next appointment. He needs to create 3.5 mm of room, and so we're hoping he'll be able to do so without requiring extractions.
Oh, and I no longer feel the sudden urge to run and brush my teeth after every meal. I still brush them whenever the opportunity presents itself, but I feel like I can get away with just rinsing with a lot of water if a washroom isn't nearby.

Well, a lot has happened in the past few days, and none of it is braces related.
My marriage is ending. My husband and I are seperating. I'm moving out on my own for the first time in my life. It's pretty scary.
So, now I am facing the next year and a half in braces while being alone (that is, if we cannot reconcile our marriage). Pretty much sucks, is all I can say.
My marriage is ending. My husband and I are seperating. I'm moving out on my own for the first time in my life. It's pretty scary.
So, now I am facing the next year and a half in braces while being alone (that is, if we cannot reconcile our marriage). Pretty much sucks, is all I can say.

just a quick update:
Lots of movement with my teeth. I should be having some slenderizing done when I go for my next adjustment on April 5. My mouth is completely used to the braces now. I haven't needed wax or salt water rinses for over 3 weeks now.
I'm moving into my own place on April 4.
That is all.
Lots of movement with my teeth. I should be having some slenderizing done when I go for my next adjustment on April 5. My mouth is completely used to the braces now. I haven't needed wax or salt water rinses for over 3 weeks now.
I'm moving into my own place on April 4.
That is all.

wow, I can't believe it's been 7 months since I posted on here! That's just crazy.
Braces are working out really well. I get the sense that I am almost done, as my dentist is having me join him at his Orthodontic Study group at the university for my next appointment. He told me at the beginning of my treatment that he only brings people there when they are getting close to completion. Yay!
I wish I had taken pictures this whole time... the change in my teeth is fabulous.
Check out my tin-grin!

In other news, I am still living on my own. Had a boyfriend for a while there, and even went on vacation to Mexico. My husband and I are actually getting along better now than we did when we were living together (though we are currently just friends). I think he put it best when he told someone that the two of us are currently taking separate vacations from being married.
It's kind of weird the way having braces has kind of become "my thing" in recent months. Truth be told, I think I might actually miss the darn things when they come off!
Braces are working out really well. I get the sense that I am almost done, as my dentist is having me join him at his Orthodontic Study group at the university for my next appointment. He told me at the beginning of my treatment that he only brings people there when they are getting close to completion. Yay!
I wish I had taken pictures this whole time... the change in my teeth is fabulous.
Check out my tin-grin!

In other news, I am still living on my own. Had a boyfriend for a while there, and even went on vacation to Mexico. My husband and I are actually getting along better now than we did when we were living together (though we are currently just friends). I think he put it best when he told someone that the two of us are currently taking separate vacations from being married.

It's kind of weird the way having braces has kind of become "my thing" in recent months. Truth be told, I think I might actually miss the darn things when they come off!