how many have metal, and how many have ceramic brackets?

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#31 Post by Truthie »

metal self-ligating top and bottom :D

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#32 Post by donutpuffs »

rocking the heavy metal ;3

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#33 Post by sarahlynn »

I will be getting metal on top next week, and eventually when the bottoms go on they will be metal as well. I was a little disappointed that my ortho strongly recommended that I go for the metal, but I'm slowly coming to terms with that (ask me again next week and see if I say the same thing - ha!). The ortho said that he does not like the clear ones because they are very hard to remove in the end and they can leave marks on the teeth. Also my tooth height, especially in the back, isn't great so the larger brackets wouldn't be the best choice. I also have to pull 2 cross-bite bicuspids forward so I'm sure he's also thinking about strength needed.

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#34 Post by ellen »

I have metal on the lower and an Essix retainer on upper. My ortho told me that she does not like ceramic on the lower because they can chip the upper teeth. But the metal ones can, too, because one of my upper canines is slightly chipped, but it's much longer than the rest of my upper teeth and would probably need to be filed a bit anyway. (If I needed brackets on my top teeth I would have opted for the ceramic, for vanity reasons).

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#35 Post by Katarina527 »

Hi! I have ceramic on the top, and metal on the bottom. It has been a very good choice for me!! Good Luck!


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#36 Post by Orange Kitty »

I have ceramic just got the top done on Friday. In a bit of pain still but handling it well. Bottom will be ceramic don't know when I'll be getting them on waiting for my overbite to shift before they put them on.

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#37 Post by Skysi »

I have ceramic tops and metal lowers :D
on 20th March 2008

got them off 9th November 2011

(3 years 7 months 2 weeks 6 days)

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#38 Post by blueelastic »

I have metal on the bottom only so far but will be getting metal on top too soon. I have tooth coloured ligatures though which make the metal brackets much less noticeable and the brackets are very small so am way happier than I thought I would be!

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#39 Post by blueelastic »

I have metal on the bottom only so far but will be getting metal on top too soon. I have tooth coloured ligatures though which make the metal brackets much less noticeable and the brackets are very small so am way happier than I thought I would be!

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#40 Post by sarahlynn »

blueelastic wrote:I have metal on the bottom only so far but will be getting metal on top too soon. I have tooth coloured ligatures though which make the metal brackets much less noticeable and the brackets are very small so am way happier than I thought I would be!
Good to know about the tooth color ligs - I hope that the metal brackets for me will be smaller than what I'm envisioning too (two more days to go before tops go on). I briefly saw them when I had my consult, but I can't really remember, and of course in my mind they are huge lol.

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#41 Post by jesspenguin »

I have stainless steel on the top and bottom. In the time that I've had braces, I've gone through pretty much all the different colors of ligs they offer, and for me the ones that are the least conspicuous are the silvery colored ones. Right now I have two (doubled up) light silver energy chains on the bottom and a dark silver open chain on the top, and I think it looks pretty nice. I also have fairly small teeth and an overbite, so I feel like all anyone can see is braces when I smile, but the all-silver is a good look :)
Time spent in braces: 16 months
Retainers: Top/bottom bonded and top/bottom Essix at night


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#42 Post by Lela »

I have metal on all but the upper "social six" which are GAC Elation. They are clear plastic rather then ceramic. I was told they use the pastic brackets because they debond more easily.

Blueelastic, are your tooth colored ligs wire or the little rubber O's?

For a less noticable look I have found that pink works the best. The brackets look smaller and the color blends well with the lips and gums so it feels more natural. I've tried various shades and like the light pearl pink most. It is kind of sheer like the smoke ligs. I've done silver too but find it gives me more of a shiney metal mouth look. :)
Fully braced 9-02-08
Braces off 9-21-09

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