Lewicks brace story
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I know, its amazing how quickly they work. I had my adjustment at 10.05 in the morning, and by about 3pm I had about a millimetre gap. I got really excited when my ortho sent her assistant to get some powerchains haha.
Not much really to update on - just a few gaps in my upper front teeth from where the powerchain is pulling them - and the gap between my two front teeth is back, its not huge but it is making me a bit self conscious.
Not much really to update on - just a few gaps in my upper front teeth from where the powerchain is pulling them - and the gap between my two front teeth is back, its not huge but it is making me a bit self conscious.
Okay I realise i've been MIA for a while in updating my journey but to be honest there isnt much to update with. Unless you like gaps. Lots and lots of gaps - my mouth is full of them - okay, 5
- but they're all pretty visible. Its made biting things like sandwiches a bit of a pain again, because food has a habit of getting stuck in the gap that's between my two front teeth (super super attractive!
) and I really dont like the feeling. So its back to ripping apart sandwiches for me.
Besides the occurence of gaps (and a pain in my molars when I eat) there really isnt much to update on. I did take some pictures a few days ago but they don't look much different to the last set I posted, so I wont bore you with those. I have my next adjustment on the 16th July, so we'll see what happens between now and then

Besides the occurence of gaps (and a pain in my molars when I eat) there really isnt much to update on. I did take some pictures a few days ago but they don't look much different to the last set I posted, so I wont bore you with those. I have my next adjustment on the 16th July, so we'll see what happens between now and then

I had my.. fourth (??) adjustment this morning at 9:45, and to be honest it wasnt all that eventful. I still have in the same wire and power chains but have had new ligs put on and a kind of elastic band over the wire on my front teeth which I assume is being used to close up the gap between my front teeth.
Although i'm supposed to have my adjustments every 6 or so weeks, my ortho is off throughout september so my next adjustment from now isnt until October the 7th
I'm worried that the elastic on my front teeth will stain during that time... does anyone have any tips on preventing it from staining?
Anyway onto the pictures that I took about an hour after my adjustment this morning;

I think my teeth are looking pretty good considering i'm only just under 5 months through my treatment! But I guess thats probably a sign that progress is going to be slow from now on
Although i'm supposed to have my adjustments every 6 or so weeks, my ortho is off throughout september so my next adjustment from now isnt until October the 7th

Anyway onto the pictures that I took about an hour after my adjustment this morning;

I think my teeth are looking pretty good considering i'm only just under 5 months through my treatment! But I guess thats probably a sign that progress is going to be slow from now on

Hey there 
Just read through your story and decided to leave a comment ! Your progress really is amazing, i kept making a little
face at each picture as time went on in your story! I can't believe it
I'm 18 too, and seeing that you're the same age and going through the same thing with amazing results has really made me smile ! I just hope to do as well as you have (: good luck with the rest of your treatment and hope you keep us updated

Just read through your story and decided to leave a comment ! Your progress really is amazing, i kept making a little

I'm 18 too, and seeing that you're the same age and going through the same thing with amazing results has really made me smile ! I just hope to do as well as you have (: good luck with the rest of your treatment and hope you keep us updated
- jensceana73
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Wow, didn't realise i'd been MIA for so long - sorry guys! However its nice to have came back to see such nice comments on my story
Tons of exciting non-dental things have happened since I last posted; I got a new job, passed my driving test, bought myself a car and started full time at university! (and turned the dreaded 19...) So anyone who says getting braces at any age later than your early/pre-teens holds you back has no idea what they're talking about!
Sorry that I don't come with any pictures to post - I will post some next weekend after my adjustment on Friday. Theres not too many changes, just a lot of gaps. I'm surprised I havent started whistling when I talk

Sorry that I don't come with any pictures to post - I will post some next weekend after my adjustment on Friday. Theres not too many changes, just a lot of gaps. I'm surprised I havent started whistling when I talk

wow, what a change they look amazingly awesome 

My Brace Story:
http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.p ... highlight=
1st Adjustment: 6/12/10-wire .014, top n bottom
follow my blog @ http://www.honneyinthesun.com
Re: Lewicks brace story
Just thought i'd write a quick (very belated) update with some even more belated pictures. Infact these pictures were taken when I got back home from my last adjustment on the 7th October (hence the black and orange for Halloween!) I was supposed to have an adjustment on the 10th December but I had to change it because I had an exam, so now my next adjustment isn't until the 14th January!

To be honest, the only noticable change from that picture to today is that the gap that's between the middle teeth on the bottom is no longer there. However, I don't pay as much attention to my teeth anymore as I did when the braces first went on - the novelty has well and truly worn off! Right now I just can't wait until my next adjustment so I can get these ligatures changed to something brighter and hopefully feel a bit of movement again.

To be honest, the only noticable change from that picture to today is that the gap that's between the middle teeth on the bottom is no longer there. However, I don't pay as much attention to my teeth anymore as I did when the braces first went on - the novelty has well and truly worn off! Right now I just can't wait until my next adjustment so I can get these ligatures changed to something brighter and hopefully feel a bit of movement again.
Re: Lewicks brace story
Okay so here is where I started, last February. After spacers but before extractions..

And heres where I am now (well, on the 14th January after my last adjustment) Almost a year later...

New power chains and lighter, brighter ligatures. I'm finding it difficult to see too many changes from my last adjustment. Whenever one gap closes another appears!
I'm due an appointment at my regular dentist also, and my ortho said she thinks I might need a filling in my bottom left molar.
I really hate fillings so i kind of hope she's wrong.
Anyway, I hope you're all having fun on your brace journeys and 2011 is treating you well! (Can't believe its the 26th already.. where has January gone?!)

And heres where I am now (well, on the 14th January after my last adjustment) Almost a year later...

New power chains and lighter, brighter ligatures. I'm finding it difficult to see too many changes from my last adjustment. Whenever one gap closes another appears!
I'm due an appointment at my regular dentist also, and my ortho said she thinks I might need a filling in my bottom left molar.

Anyway, I hope you're all having fun on your brace journeys and 2011 is treating you well! (Can't believe its the 26th already.. where has January gone?!)
- Posts: 690
- Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:26 am
Re: Lewicks brace story
Wow, your teeth look fantastic! What a difference! Thank you for sharing your progress!
Re: Lewicks brace story
Wow, so i've now been braced for over a year! My braceaversary was the 19th February (how the hell did I miss that?) Which hopefully means i'm over half way through my treatment, yaay! Just one little photo to show today from my last adjustment which was a week ago..

Not much excitement going on, she changed my ligatures and added some elastic bands to help the power chains in closing the gaps and I have to say, I think they're working! For the first time in months I can actually tell that the gaps are a bit smaller - also, my top front teeth have been hurting like hell for the past few days whenever I try and bite anything - which i've come to assume is a sign of something moving!

Not much excitement going on, she changed my ligatures and added some elastic bands to help the power chains in closing the gaps and I have to say, I think they're working! For the first time in months I can actually tell that the gaps are a bit smaller - also, my top front teeth have been hurting like hell for the past few days whenever I try and bite anything - which i've come to assume is a sign of something moving!
- Posts: 52
- Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:20 am
Re: Lewicks brace story
Your teeth look so great!! I'm only on day 5 so I love checking out other people's progress pics for inspiration. I swear, I feel like I'm the one person whose teeth aren't going to move at all haha hopefully in a few more weeks I can post pics with noticeable changes! Keep the updates coming!