holding bar on roof of mouth

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holding bar on roof of mouth

#1 Post by bucsfan »

Im just starting to get braces, and today my orthodontist put on a holding bar on the roof of my mouth ( I am not sure what the technical term is but I hope you know what I'm talking about). Not everyone gets one though, and I'm not really sure what it does to be honest.

Anyways, some words I cant say very well ( like drink, drive, dream) It sounds like I have a lisp. Also, it hurts to chew on one side of my mouth. If anyone could give me more information on this bar and if I'll be able to talk normal soon. If you feel like you need to ask more questions to understand what I'm talking about than that's okay.

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#2 Post by fitchick »

Hi Bucsfan,

I'm sorry I can't shed any light on your holding bar. I'm about the same stage as you, and also suffering with the lisp and not being able to talk that well. Reading the other posts, it does get better within a few weeks.

I just wanted to offer my encouragment and to let you know that there are more of you around the globe starting out the same way. Maybe a few months from now, we'll be looking back and giving some useful advice to others.

Good Luck for speedy progress,


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#3 Post by lilsisbet »

Not sure Bucsfan, but it could be a TPA. Do a search here on Archwired and there is a pic posted (http://www.archwired.com/TPA.htm). It is a Trans-Palatial Arch. I am 16 months into treatment and was fitted with one on Tuesday. For me.... it is to hold my molars into place while he moves the teeth - both back and to the right - to correct my midline and close gaps. He doesn't want the molars/roots to move/tip.

Yes.. there is some slurring of words, my tongue is getting sore and eating isn't fun. I know it will pass though.

The only other thing I can think it could be is an expander (not sure of name) where you have a key and have to turn it. It is for narrow jaws.

Hope this helps.
Braces on March 15, 2005
Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months. Official debanding date - June 14, 2007 - Total of 27 months!

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#4 Post by Idislikebraces »

There's also a "Nance Appliance" which I have...its on my back molars to keep them there so they dont come forward..cause if they did that...I would stay with my overbite...nd we dont want that...lol BUT I can speak normally..since the second day..ne whos...here's a link to what I have just a pic on google...cause google's my BEST FRIEND! lol
http://www.stsortholab.com/images/appliances/nance.jpg :lol:
August 10, 2005
Ceramic Uppers and Metal Bottoms!
A few months later a Nance Appliance.
anddd nowwww:
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#5 Post by jaws »

Hi bucsfan,

Not sure if your appliance looks like this--but I have had this 'holding bar' for 14 months (they are also called expanders and lingual arches by different people):


This wire holds my molars in place and expands the width of my arch. I had A LOT of trouble speaking for the first month or so. I had a very bad lisp, and I had to do a number of public presentations which wasn't fun! However, after around a month my speech improved a lot, and no one could even notice.
Braces are Now Off!
Metal Braces Top and Bottom
Expanders Top and Bottom
April 11th 2005-June 27th 2006

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