Love your electric toothbrush? Hate that yucky mouthwash? Can't live without that terrific threader floss? Got a fave canker sore remedy? Here's where you can post your opinions and reviews of specific products relating to dental hygiene and your braces. Tell others what works....and what doesn't!
I know this is a really superficial question but I just got braces on 5 days ago and have not drank my favourite drink because I red somewhere that red wine will stain part of m teeth (behind the brace??) that I won't be able to clean... seeing a I'll have them on for 2 years I don't fancy uncovering pink (although perectly straight!) teeth in 2010!!
p.s. I hate white wine so that's not an option I wish to explore, either is abstinance!!
For sure, I know I am not going without red wine for two years : ) I don't drink a ton of red wine, but I haven't hesitated to have some. I love it too. The technician did ask me when they changed my wire two weeks ago if I drank coffee. I replied, you bet, lots of it and red wine too. She was asking because she used to tie things in white wire that will not stain. She didn't mention any other concerns. They are very professional at my Ortho's office and I have complete confidence in everyone there. I really think she would have said something if there were significant concerns.
thanks for your posts Mary and Maryeten... thank god the answers were positive because I've just finished a bottle of Shiraz!! (stressful day at the office!)
I don't have any rubber bits - just stainlness steel all the way so I guess I don't habe to worry about ligature staining! yay! things r lookin up!