Basically, I have had a "wonky" tooth ever since i was little. It was one of my front teeth, and it looked horrible. I asked my dentist about it when I was like 12, and he told me that the pressure on from my lips would push it into place. But it didn't, so here I am, at the age of 16, with a brace.
It was a very difficult decision for me to make, mainly because all of my friends were just getting their braces off. It seemed like such a small thing for a lot of work, but it always annoyed me. Whenever I looked in photos, i used to hate me smile, because of that one tooth. I'm in college, and I am hoping that no-one will bring it up when they see it for the first time tomorrow. I just want everyone to ignore it, and pretend it isn't there. The brace looks horrible, and it hurts quite a lot right now - but i guess it means that it is working.
I didn't know whether I was allowed to sign up to this site, given that it is for adults, but I decided that I wanted to join to hear success stories to boost my morale!
In the end, I hope it will be worth it. Hopefully, I will update with more pictures soon.