Here's a little background info. I've always known that I should have braces, but having lived with the gaps and crookedness so long, I was well used it. I was urged to have braces because my dentist noticed that my jaw socket was flattened instead of rounded. He told me that it was caused by my bad bite and it would cause problems as I got older. It may also be causing my headaches and sinus problems now. I had no idea that your teeth could cause sinus problems!
Anyway, the first step was to have two extractions. Both were baby teeth hanging around. Sounds strange for someone to still have baby teeth in their 30's, but if you can see from the photo, I don't have all of my adult teeth. I am missing my lateral incisors and one first molar on the top and one lateral incisor on the bottom.
The next step was to have top braces put on. I've had them for 4 weeks now. I have to wait for the bottoms, as my front top teeth overlap the bottom too much right now. My front teeth have to be moved up.

The plan is to move my incisors back so that I can have false teeth placed into the gaps. I also need pretty much everything shifted around so it all lines up right.