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I ate loads of 'stainable' foods with powerchains and I only got a fright in the mirror when I had a sandwich with mustard in and they were BRIGHT yellow! I'm talking fluroescent!
I wore clear chains on my ceramics for almost a year and they did stain terribly. I never ate mustard or curry. I'm a bigtime coffee and tea drinker and went inbetween appointments to have them changed.
Started the journey for the second time on January 10th 2008~Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Removed on June 2nd 2009.
Anything with "tumeric" in it will stain. I eat a lot of chicken-flavored Ramen noodles (partly because I like the taste, and also because I'm poor after getting these darn braces), and I noticed that my once-white spacers had turned a bright yellow. After reading the ingredients in the soup base, I discovered it did have tumeric in it.
I also drink a LOT of sodas, with and without straws, and the most it's done so far is make my teeth look dingy. Not sure what kind of brackets you have, but you really have to keep your teeth clean when you have clear/ceramic brackets. Mine are clear with clear ligatures and a clear little powerchain (just on 3 teeth), and so far, so good with no staining. (I'm a ketchup freak.)
One last thing, will rose wine stain? also Apple sour shots (bright green). I have a few birthday nights out in the city coming up and I know I am going to get dragged into drinking shots and these are the only ones I can bare! I supose the braces will be be a great reason to not do them
I have stayed away from curry/tumeric........otherwise nothing stains horribly--however, I find that after 2-3weeks, they look dingy and I want them changed. Ihave eaten berries, coffee, tea, red wine by the gallon, and other things--I have not tried curry/tumeric and don't intend to. Currently, I have had my chain on for 3 weeks, during which I went on vacation, and really overdid it on the red wine and coffee........and when we returned my chains looked dingy...but my OD is on vacation, so I will wait until next week to get it changed. I do not drink through a straw either, I often rinse with water after, I brush and use a whitening mouthwash often as well. good luck!
I love my curries and have been fine, only once did it stain them bright yellow to which I was devastated (I think I only had been to my dentist the day before for a tightening).
But alas, a couple of brushes later and my powerchain was back seemingly to normal - or at least to a state that didn't look dirty
so I wouldnt worry too much. Tea. Curry. Chilli. All have remained in my diet