Ceramic Braces (top), Metal Braces (bottom)--- Invisalign?

Discussions about treatment with invisible braces that use clear aligners, such as Invisalign, OrthoClear, the Red White and Blue system, etc.

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Ceramic Braces (top), Metal Braces (bottom)--- Invisalign?

#1 Post by tffnyjcksn »


Last Wednesday (five days ago) I had braces placed. Ceramic on the top, metal on the bottom. I am 29 years old. I have had an extensive dental history including facial trauma, root canal x4, porcelain crown x2 to front teeth, abcess x 2, extraction x1, etc etc. All the dental work is related to the initial injury eleven years ago.

My dentist has reccommended either a dental implant or braces to close the space from the extracted tooth. I chose braces because my insurance would help pay, unlike an implant.

Here I am on day five, and have already had three brackets come off. Two ceramic on top and one metal on bottom. I am extremely discouraged. I am supposed to go back to my ortho tomorrow-- another appointment which I will have to miss work for.

My question is if Invisalign might be a better option? Does anyone have experience switching so soon to Invisalign? Any idea of how much it would cost?

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Re: Ceramic Braces (top), Metal Braces (bottom)--- Invisalig

#2 Post by bbsadmin »

It is extremely common for brackets to pop off. Your orthodontist can replace them and make sure he cures them better with the curing light so they won't come off again.
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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Re: Ceramic Braces (top), Metal Braces (bottom)--- Invisalig

#3 Post by Crazy4Snow »

Wow, you sound like me. Root canals are no fun at all, especially when they've failed and the teeth have to be pulled anyway. Do you like the ceramics better than the metal?

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Re: Ceramic Braces (top), Metal Braces (bottom)--- Invisalig

#4 Post by carolena »

your dental history sounds just like me! But i have only had root canal done once.

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