Tongue Pain!! How to deal?
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- Posts: 10
- Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:29 pm
Tongue Pain!! How to deal?
I got my linguals on Friday, both upper and lower sets at once, and aside from a bit of teeth and jaw soreness, my big big problem is the tongue! It is in agony! I do salt water rinses and those feel good for a while, but then I have to use my tongue again and it gets all destroyed. My question is, is it better if I just suffer through it without wax so my tongue will adapt more quickly, or do I let myself use wax? Does the tongue pain last forever?!
Kind of scared right now. Any help or stories would be so appreciated!!

Re: Tongue Pain!! How to deal?
I have some lingual buttons that pratically bit me back while i was attempting to chew food. The best way i came up with to get used to them was no wax during the day, and wax at night. During the day, I'd just suck it up and deal with the pain. But at night I'd put wax on the buttons and over the power chain. It took a while for my tongue to stop having a line through it, but it's finally better. I can tell you there were times i wanted to cry cause it hurt so bad. But it will get better. You just have to find what works for you, and not worry about anyones wax or no wax rules.
Good luck.
Good luck.
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:29 pm
Re: Tongue Pain!! How to deal?
thanks ashesgap! it is getting a bit better, i guess my tongue has built up a callous or something because it doesn't hurt quite so much anymore, although it does occasionally get caught on a sharp edge and get ripped! owwww! i figure since this is only day 5 things will just get better.....right? 

Re: Tongue Pain!! How to deal?
carochelsea wrote:
> thanks ashesgap! it is getting a bit better, i guess my tongue has built up a callous
> or something because it doesn't hurt quite so much anymore, although it does occasionally
> get caught on a sharp edge and get ripped! owwww! i figure since this is only day
> 5 things will just get better.....right?
Hi, carochelsea.
I have linguals on both upper and lower as well. Got the upper in first, and the lower about a week later, which is now almost a week ago. How are you doing with the sore tongue now, after a few months? I'm going crazy from the pain in my tongue caused by the lowers, and it has not improved over the week I have been wearing them. I can't imagine what the designers behind this construction were thinking; there are so many sharp edges, and my tongue gets caught on all of them.. ouch..
> thanks ashesgap! it is getting a bit better, i guess my tongue has built up a callous
> or something because it doesn't hurt quite so much anymore, although it does occasionally
> get caught on a sharp edge and get ripped! owwww! i figure since this is only day
> 5 things will just get better.....right?

Hi, carochelsea.
I have linguals on both upper and lower as well. Got the upper in first, and the lower about a week later, which is now almost a week ago. How are you doing with the sore tongue now, after a few months? I'm going crazy from the pain in my tongue caused by the lowers, and it has not improved over the week I have been wearing them. I can't imagine what the designers behind this construction were thinking; there are so many sharp edges, and my tongue gets caught on all of them.. ouch..