I had a mandibular osteotomy on Apr 16 to correct an 8mm overjet. By Apr 22 I had developed a large (5cm x 3cm), very firm, very painful swelling under my left jawline. My right side is going perfectly well.
I saw my surgeon yesterday who cut open my wound to examine it and flush it out. He saw no pus to indicate infection, nor blood clots. He described it as an area of induration - abnormally thickened and hardened soft tissue. He hopes it will go away with time. He has sent the flush fluid off for culture just in case.
I was just wondering if anyone else has had this particular post op complication, what your outcome was in the end, and if there was anything you did to help resolve the issue, such as therapeutic ultrasound? Thankyou SO much for your time and response.
Indurated area post op- advice needed please!
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