When I was young, my second bicuspid (on the bottom) never fell out. My dentist x-rayed to see if there was a permanent tooth under the baby tooth. At the time, I never had a permanent tooth. She said that it sometimes happens that people don't always get permanent teeth. She also said that it was nothing to worry about and that we could just leave it the way it was unless the tooth started causing problems. For a long time, I never had any problems with that tooth. That is, until my baby tooth fell out and I realized that I did get a permanent tooth afterall.
When my husband and I moved to another city for school and work, we got a new dentist. My dentist suggested that I shouldn't leave my second bicuspid the way it was because it isn't straight. The top of the tooth is facing my first molar. I asked her what some of my options were and she said that braces may be an option. At the time, I didn't really want to think about it too much. My husband and I were getting married that summer and I didn't want to have braces in our wedding pictures. Also, my teeth are not that crowded and I didn't really think that they needed to be straightened that much (with the exception of that one tooth). I told my dentist I didn't want to make the decision at that point in time.
That decision changed last year. Just over a year ago my wisdom teeth started to give me some trouble. My dentist suggested that I get them out because she thought that I didn't really have the room in my mouth for them. In July of last year, I went for a consult with the oral surgeon and the same day, I had my four wisdom teeth removed (I had IV sedation). During the consult, my surgeon looked at my second bicuspid and suggested that I not leave that tooth the way it was much longer because if I got a cavity in that tooth, I would get a cavity in the side of the first molar and then I would have to get both removed. Since I was having my wisdom tooth removed as well, I wouldn't have very much to chew with on that side of my mouth.
At this point in my life, I have been very lucky and I haven't had any cavities. I didn't think that it would be a good idea to start with cavities in those two teeth. So, at my next dentist appointment, I asked my dentist about the possibility of braces being able to pull my tooth up straight (it is mostly below the gum). She consulted with the orthodontist and he said that he would most likely be able to straighten it. My dentist referred me to the orthodontist and I had my consult in February.
In March, I had my molds and impressions done and about a week later, they called and told me how much it would cost as well as the treatment plan. I was told they would be able to pull up the tooth and that they would use the damon system for 22 months. I agreed and setup two appointments to get my braces put on.
On June 7, 2012, I had clear damon brackets placed on my top teeth. They also placed the archwire and put 4 spacers around my first molars. I had to go back a week later to get the spacers removed and molar bands placed. They didn't attach the wire to the molar bands, but said they would do so at my next appointment in August (they said it wouldn't affect my treatment time).
I have read here that the first week is the hardest part of the treatment. Also, a co-worker had her damon braces placed in December and she had a lot of pain. I have to say that I must be very lucky because my first week wasn't that bad. Like most people the spacers were the worst part, but there wasn't too much pain. It was more irritation and trouble eating with them.
Since I didn't really mind my teeth before I got braces (especially on the top), I didn't think I would see much change. However, in the past 3 weeks, I have seen quite a bit of change in my front teeth and it seems that my bite is changing a bit already (I have an overbite).
My co-workers, husband (and family), and students (grade 1's) have all been really good about my braces. They have been very supportive. I explained to my students what the "things" on my teeth were and one day I even had one student say "Miss, I really like your braces." I thought that was the sweetest thing that a child that young could say

My orthodontist feels that I shouldn't get my lower braces on until my overbite has changed. I was a little disappointed about that since it was my lower second bicuspid that I wanted to fix. However, I realize the importance of waiting and I just hope that I don't end up with a cavity in that tooth before it can be pulled up. Here's hoping I get them on soon and that my discomfort is about the same as it was for the top