Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

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Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#1 Post by Realizingadream »


I will be getting my college degree (well it is a certificate, but I already have a 2-year degree) and this is to help me get a job. I have worked for my whole life and have excellent what-all (references, work history, health, skills, communication) to get a job, now that I have this training (almost) under my belt. I finish the college work at the end of this year, 2013. The jobs I had held in the past, have mostly gone away, so I got to retrain.

Also, my braces are scheduled to be removed at the same time as I finish my college work.

Here's the question of you young ones and older ones, and especially if any of you work in the hiring offices. Due to the road I have been on, I will be much more qualified for a position than most people. However, I am over age 60. I don't look it--people think I am younger and if I craft a good resume, the math won't give me away for age. Oh, the question: DO I KEEP MY BRACES ON?

My bookkeeper friend said to "keep the braces on" because I look "much younger" with them on, she said; so to keep them on until I get a job. I plan to dress nice for my job interviews, put on lots of hair dye, and leave the walker home. (No, I don't really have a walker. I am quite spry :FeelSick: )

Would the braces actually give me some sort of psychological edge in getting a job? Would the orthodontist work with me and allow me to keep them on for a while when treatment is completed? If so, I would plan to ask for a couple of months....

Please if anyone can advise me. I've gotten really good grades and this has been a really good opportunity for me, the schooling. It was hard though. Incidentally, no I am not crazy to get private pay braces when I am unemployed, but I had already signed the contract FOR the braces, when the layoff notice came. I could have squirmed out of the contract but that's not genteel, it is not. I could barely afford them after wanting them for so long; and then to get laid off? Well, the die was cast.

So here I am and I do hope many of you will give me your remarks and advice. Braces ON until I am hired; or braces OFF and just look like a normal person BUT WITH STRAIGHT TEETH! I don't mean to be hogging up the labor pool at my advanced age, but I really don't have much choice.

Thank you so much!

Last edited by Realizingadream on Tue May 21, 2013 10:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#2 Post by SunshineRay »

Well this isnt a question you see everyday. lol Most people are counting down the days until they come off. Would your ortho even allow you to keep them on a couple extra months?

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#3 Post by amyhenna »

I am not in a hiring position, but I do see some not-so-subtle age discrimination at work. I vote to keep them on!

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#4 Post by djspeece »

I think you should keep them on, and just have a good reply in case anyone mentions them -- something along the lines about always seeking improvement and taking care of your health. I doubt anyone would mention it though. I would not hesitate to hire anyone with braces; what I am interested in is experience and qualifications, and how you present yourself. It would not be a big deal and consistent with your perseverence. Best of luck!

Side note: one of my colleagues was interviewing a female candidate for an analyst position, and midway through the conversation the candidate stopped, opened her mouth, removed her retainers (without turning her head) and put them in a case or something. My colleague was very surprised and she then worried that the candidate did not have much of a sense of context, and wondered if she would do that in front of a client. We did not hire her for a number of reasons, but the "retainer girl" caused quite a stir.

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#5 Post by midnight »

When I went for a job interview I was worried that they wouldn't hire me because of my braces as they might think I would need lots of time off for appointments.

Hopefully it won't matter either way if you are the best person for the job - good luck!

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#6 Post by OldBikerBag »

There are specific discrimination laws in the US that protect certain factors for job candidates. Age is one of the factors specifically mentioned. Regardless, your presentation at an interview will contribute significantly to the decision. Braces or no braces, it will most likely have zero effect on the decision of the person evaluating your candidacy. He or she will already know your age anyway, if time is taken to read your application and/or resume.

If your ortho says your treatment is done, take them off and free your teeth so you can break out the beautiful, winning smile. If your ortho says you're not finished, walk confidently and smugly into the interview with a wide tinsel grin. In other words, follow your treatment protocol.

That's my advice.
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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#7 Post by Ciara »

OldBikerBag wrote:There are specific discrimination laws in the US that protect certain factors for job candidates. Age is one of the factors specifically mentioned. Regardless, your presentation at an interview will contribute significantly to the decision. Braces or no braces, it will most likely have zero effect on the decision of the person evaluating your candidacy. He or she will already know your age anyway, if time is taken to read your application and/or resume.

If your ortho says your treatment is done, take them off and free your teeth so you can break out the beautiful, winning smile. If your ortho says you're not finished, walk confidently and smugly into the interview with a wide tinsel grin. In other words, follow your treatment protocol.

That's my advice.

Totally agree! Good luck with your job search.

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#8 Post by Realizingadream »

Ha ha Dan, "retainer girl."

Now do I want to go with "totally memorable" or "fits in well." Retainer girl. Shakes head sadly.

I guess I'll let my resume talk for me. One of my upcoming classes is going to help me construct an amazing resume. I will have completed the classes and will have the certificate and the big test (statewide) that will give me the certification I need to PROVE it. I plan to use plenty of stealth in the resume so they can't get a tight hold on my age. No YEAR of high school graduation, no overlong employment history -- having been a good employee I have worked several places for a LONG time each. I can bury that. This resume is going to be good!

And then I will walk in for the interview -- presuming I am not overconfident, my resume and list of skills SHOULD get me an interview. I believe can totally impress them out in an interview, I mean, I am bringing it. The age discrimination thing is what worries me. I KNOW it exists and exists big and healthy. I look "younger than my stated age" thank goodness, but I do not look 23! Would that I did.

I'll probably see if I can keep the braces on, though, through my job search assuming the job search can be over in 6 weeks, tops: and if my ortho cites no downside to doing that. The braces speak to my goals and awareness, I think. If "they" don't hire me, with the way I have carefully planned and psyched my attack and the incredible amount of successful work I have put in, then I won't want to work for them, because they can't be all that smart if they will overlook the amazingness I have cultivated these past few years. I just wouldn't want to work for them at all, if they are that sort. They wouldn't deserve the work ethic and talent that I will bring to an employer. Really. They can hire someone who doesn't have my qualities. 8) :FeelSick:

But, I really think I have a good chance of a long and happy employ somewhere near my home. I am so excited to be almost ready. I can't wait to finish that resume class and ARRIVE at one of my long-term goals! :D

Oh yes, and at some point be debraced. Huh. :D :D :D


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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#9 Post by djspeece »

My company actually values older employees, and the younger ones are a bit jealous. I have a feeling that they would like to see more age discrimination :wink: . But we've all earned our stripes and now it's up to the younger ones to prove themselves.

Not that you asked, but I urge caution on over-hyping a resume. So many of them are full of fiction (I'm in the US) and frankly unbelievable. I would also recommend tailoring it for each company you are considering and please research what it is each company does, and come with questions to ask them! If your resume and interview can answer the question "What can you do for our company?" then you are golden. Be yourself and let your enthusiasm, ability to work with others, and sheer blinding talent overwhelm them!

You are going to nail it! Best of luck!

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#10 Post by Realizingadream »

djspeece wrote:answer the question "What can you do for our company?"

Dear Dan:
Thank you for your kind, insightful remarks. I do NOT plan to overhype my resume, because I think if I am clever I can get everything I need to in the resume for them to SEE, with hopes of securing a face-to-face interview, where I can then let my bearing and some common sense pull me through the interview.

I will DEFINITELY research any and all companies I would like to work for, using your idea to let them know what I can do FOR them. That makes absolute good sense.

I do have a lot to offer, in terms of work ethic and bearing and all. I hope I find a good fit for me in a nice company.

You've been helpful. Thank you.

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#11 Post by Realizingadream »

Dear Dan:

Also, I am in the U.S. also. It will be so much fun finding a job! I can't wait!


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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#12 Post by djspeece »

You are going to do great, Real. Best of luck to you!

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#13 Post by Realizingadream »

Hey you all!

Guess what?! I got a job! I will start soon -- they only intake a new batch of employees once a month. I still have my braces on -- I interviewed, and I got the job. I am very happy. They didn't even make any comments on the braces.

Thank you for all the support and help!


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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#14 Post by TMJJill »

Congratulations!! :-)o

Braces as Phase II treatment for TMJD.
Lower mandibular repositioning splint 26 months.
Lower braces on 10.75 months into Phase II treatment.
Duration in braces: 2 years, 2 weeks, 5 days
Removal of Braces: September 18, 2013

TMJD treatment now complete!

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Re: Need hiring advice; braces; human resources

#15 Post by djspeece »

Realizingadream wrote:Hey you all!

Guess what?! I got a job! I will start soon -- they only intake a new batch of employees once a month. I still have my braces on -- I interviewed, and I got the job. I am very happy. They didn't even make any comments on the braces.

Thank you for all the support and help!

Congratulations and well done!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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