Braces Noob

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Braces Noob

#1 Post by Tara »

Hi guys, I'm Tara.

I'm a uni student, majoring in philosophy. 8)

I got my braces 3 days ago after having spacers for a week. My mouth is torn up and I haven't had a good meal for a week and a half (and on top of that I have people constantly pinching my cheeks and saying 'aww'). I'm starting to get a little negative about braces. :(

My teeth are relatively straight already and my braces are almost purely to correct my underbite. Currently the plan for me seems to be braces for a year, jaw surgery and then braces for another year.

Oh, I also may have to get two extractions because I have baby teeth. :FeelSick:

I am hoping the next two years go very quick because all I want is a lovely big smile! :D

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Re: Braces Noob

#2 Post by NeilH »

Hi Tara,

It does get better really quickly. Your mouth will soon toughen up and the brackets will stop rubbing. I must admit to not having anyone pinch my checks yet but you never know what's around the corner! Hope you soon get used to them (the braces that is, not the cheek pinchers). Good luck.

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Re: Braces Noob

#3 Post by Tara »

It's not the brackets that hurt my mouth, it's the wire at the back! I don't understand how something as soft as my mouth will ever get used to that especially since even when I just touch that wire with my finger, it can make it bleed and I'd think the skin on my fingers is relatively rough!!

:( But everyone keeps telling me I will get used to it, so hopefully soon.

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Re: Braces Noob

#4 Post by NeilH »

If the wire comes straight out of your last bracket could you ask your Ortho to bend it out of the way? I'm still on my first wire (which is really flexible and sharp) and my Ortho bent the ends in towards my teeth so there is just a rounded corner at the back. Does this make sense?

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Re: Braces Noob

#5 Post by Tara »

I'll have to give that a try because it's almost unbearable! I cringe at the thought of eating because it hurts so much to have sharp wires digging into my cheek while I do. I have to keep the wax in while I eat and that really isn't very enjoyable.

Unfortunately I don't see my orthodontist for another week and a half so I'll have to suffer til then.

Thanks for the advice. :)

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Re: Braces Noob

#6 Post by KStew »

Hi Tara!

The first few weeks are tough! I can't say I've ever had anyone pinch my cheeks, but honestly, with how rude that is, I'd pinch theirs right back. I got some snarky comments from my brothers, but otherwise, reaction has been either positive, or apathetic.

If your wire is poking, can you make an emergency appointment with your ortho? They should be able to just clip the excess. Im a pinch, I've even trimmed my own with a pair of nail clippers, though it can be tricky to get the right angle.

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Re: Braces Noob

#7 Post by jean001 »

Hi, tomorrow will be a week for me and my teeth are just now starting to feel a little better. I still can't eat hard food though. My son wanted to go out to eat yesterday but I didn't even want to try it yet. I hope it get's better this week... it seems like it will.

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