On the 19th of June I had the lower incisor surgically removed. Root canal teeth seem to have a mind of their own

Speech has become a a struggle because of the gap in the bottom arch.
14 Days later on the 4th of July I had the lower teeth braces up. Wow was so happy because the teeth just felt more secure and stable. Pain has been a bit of a problem due to the teeth moving fast and trying to close the gap. The gap was 6mm and is now 4mm a week later. I noticed the the gap is no longer closing and will require time to close. As far as I understand I will need a power chain on the bottom arch to close the gaps. Will post pics of my progress once I am able to place them on the site.
Tips for people getting braces:
1. Take some pain med's an hour before going to have the teeth banded/braced.
2. Cold water works like magic to control the pain (Secret tip: Cold water also relieves some of the pressure of the archwire and refreshes the
gums. The first thin archwires are heat sensitive. At least that's what I have found.)
3. Floss and brush everyday. This makes your mouth feel refreshed and also alleviates some of the pain in the gums.
4. Rinse with luke warm water and salt. Also helps with gums and canker sores.
5. If wires are poking or scratching at the back, have them clipped and bent. Its going to save you from lots of pain.
6. Be patient.....it takes time to move the teeth. (Also trying to deal with this fact

Will post photos but until then, Stay focused on your goal....a perfect smile.