Snack or die!

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Snack or die!

#1 Post by Namaste »

Does anyone feel like in order to not loose weight you have to constantly snack. But then that becomes a hassle because you have to brush after snacking. I'm already thin. I don't want to be see through :?

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Re: Snack or die!

#2 Post by Featheryy1221 »

I'm thin as well and I luckily haven't lost any weight since starting my orthodontic treatment (haven't gained any either). I just eat a larger lunch and dinner. Usually stops me from snacking between meals. Besides brushing your teeth for like some crackers or chips is so not worth it.

When I do snack, I don't brush my teeth straight afterwards and I'll wait until after dinner or lunch when I normally brush. I just swish with a lot of water.

Estimated treatment time: 18 months. (6 months- expander, 1 year- braces)
Bonded Rapid Palatal Expander: 10/1/13 - 3/31/14
Upper and Lower Metal Braces: 4/22/14 - 7/14/15
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Re: Snack or die!

#3 Post by dantocanada »

This may be blasphemy, but I only brush twice a day - in the morning and at night. If I have to clean my teeth, I use the Waterpik or a Proxabrush if I'm out. So snacking isn't an issue for me. And at my last dental appointment, the hygienist said my teeth were very clean and well taken care of, especially for someone with braces.

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Re: Snack or die!

#4 Post by drgnchsr36 »

Yeah, I had that issue. Just try and make sure you're getting enough to eat. Also, I drank a bit of ensure to get some extra calories.



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Re: Snack or die!

#5 Post by carzfrm60s »

I too use a Proxy brush when I'm out and try to rinse with some water. Hopefully this is enough.

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Re: Snack or die!

#6 Post by Nz101 »

Im in the same boat. Am really thin and havent eaten much in the four days Ive had the braces. Its so sore with the mouth ulcers and my molars now dont touch, so I havent yet figured out how to actually chew. I really hope the feeling of wanting to tear them off my teeth will disappear ))))

I too, only clean them twice a day - so far i think this has worked for me. Thats a good point someone posted about drinking lots, smoothies are great for braces and for getting extra calories.

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Re: Snack or die!

#7 Post by Mr23 »

I just eat 3 meals 3 times a day instead. 9 meals :o)

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Re: Snack or die!

#8 Post by aspiromusings »

Just because you have braces doesn't mean you can't snack, there are a variety of things you can eat that wont send you running to the bathroom with your toothbrush and floss, here are some that I've been eating so far

1. Yoghurt

2. Milk box (drink with straw)

3. Blenders half boiled eggs (add avacado if you want for an extra kick)

I train with a personal trainer who makes me eat every 2-3 hours so snacking is essential for me

Whenever i have any of these snacks I simply do a mouthrinse or drink lots of water, I only do the whole waterfloss and brush routine for main meals :D :D
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Top Braces on 20th March 2015

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Re: Snack or die!

#9 Post by Whitton2015 »

Since getting braces I've been snacking a lot less mainly because (like you) im constantly thinking of there is food stuck around my braces.

I've realised that I'm drinking ALOT more water (which is brilliant, especially for the skin). But like the others have said, yogurt, protein shakes chopped up bananas grapes ect and just a swirl of water in the mouth you should be ok.

The longer you're 'braced up' the more you'll figure out what works for you food wise. :)

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