My poor mouth, how long do the sores last for?

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My poor mouth, how long do the sores last for?

#1 Post by Nz101 »

Its only day four - and have lots of canker sore things in my mouth and can barely eat. How long did it take for everyone for their mouths to settle down? I am using the wax stuff, bonjela and salt water mouth wash. argggh I didn't think it would be this bad. I need to toughen up !

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Re: My poor mouth, how long do the sores last for?

#2 Post by stephcsun »

I was just struggling with the same thing for 2 weeks I kept using wax at night..and I changed my toothpaste to one that wasn't as strong as the one I was using and it has helped a lot. If the toothpaste or mouthwash burn when you use them try to get different ones. Also use wax when ever you can until your mouth gets a little better and more used to the braces.

if you don't already have it try to get the colgate peroxyl mouth sore rinse it will help speed the process up a bit

There are also some braces guards incase you don't like to sleep with wax and it will definitely do the same job..but its a little roomy

It will get better with time :D

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Re: My poor mouth, how long do the sores last for?

#3 Post by Nz101 »

Thanks Steph, yes am using wax now 24 hours a day, even at work (hopefully no one can see these bits hanging off haha), day six and still sore as heck. I have a less stronger toothpaste and will try and find that mouth rinse you mentioned. :D

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