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And I think I am more worried about getting em off then I have ever been about having them put on or the last nearly 3 years Of wearing them not sure what it's all gonna look like after they are off - ugh I get nauseous just thinking about it! I've even thought about telling my ortho that we can wait and let the teeth settle a bit longer - hw would be ok with that but would probably wonder if I had taken crazy pills since I have been asking for the last year when?!? lol
I just made a date to debrace in April but am still waiting for a lower molar to upright (it tilts towards my tongue so my top and bottom teeth don't meet properly on that side). I'm worried that now i'm past the 18 month stage (and finished my payment plan) I will be rushed through even though my teeth aren't ready yet. After all this time an effort I want them to be right.
My estimated time was 2 + years ... This February would make 3 years - I think it's more me rushing it at this point then my doc - but if you don't think you are ready to be out then stand ya ground and wait til that tooth is in place- mine are all in place - just better odds the longer I keep them on that they won't move but I think that's where the retainers come in- I can't keep these on for life