However, since my surgery and the VY my lip has relaxed and dropped down flat over my teeth, like a curtain, covering my teeth entirely. It looks really horrible and adds about 10 years to my face. It also lengthens and flattens my face and makes my nose look big. I have been trying to work out why I look so ugly since the surgery (not swollen like last time, but just ugly) as I have almost no swelling ... and I have realized that this is the reason. There is too much space between my nose and the top of my lip.
I've done a bit of research today regarding VY Lip reversal procedures and was told I would need a lip lift to correct this. The procedure is a Bullhorn Lip Lift and it can be done in the chair under a local in under an hour. It is an external procedure where they cut away a small amount of skin directly underneath the nose (the scar is hidden under the tip of the nose) and it pulls the top lip up into a pout. My question is ... how long after jaw surgery should one wait before getting a lip lift?
At present I am only 6 weeks post-op and I realize things will still be settling at this time - however, my top lip is not swollen AT ALL ... it is just flat and is hanging stretched all the way down over my top teeth making me look like an old angry lady. I don't anticipate any more significant changes to the lip now unless, of course, it keeps on stretching down to my bloody chin!!!
I'd be greatful for any information or help you guys can offer