change insurance during treatment

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Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:03 pm

change insurance during treatment

#1 Post by twaquan »

Good news. I went to the orthodontist and I dont need surgury. He said i'm a case for damon braces.

I currently have dental dental insurance. My policy offers a 1500 lifetime max. Will they pay it all up front, or will it be montly? There is a chance I am getting a new job in about 9 months and I would lose my current coverage with dental coverage, but the ortho benefits wont start for a year.. I dont want to lose my coverage but i really want this new job. What can i do? Is there anyway I can keep my current dental insurance through cobra?

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Re: change insurance during treatment

#2 Post by shortcircuit »

THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT IT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT IT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT IT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT IT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. dental insurance only pays monthly for orthodontics, with regards to COBRA you will probably want to check if you can continue the dental coverage only and not the medical, and whether having insurance coverage available from a new employer would prohibit you from using COBRA on your current insurance. If you aren't allowed to split the medical insurance off from the dental, then I would scrap this idea in a heartbeat because the premiums for the medical part will be substantial. Also, check insurance policies for exclusions on orthodontic treatment already in progress, those do exist.

I don't have a monthly premium for medical or dental through my work, on my pay stubs it says that the monthly employer contribution for dental is around $26 a month but medical is over $700.

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Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:03 pm

Re: change insurance during treatment

#3 Post by twaquan »

wow.... doesnt sound for me... I might stay at my current job until the insurance has covered all (or most of the braces). I could wait until the policy from my new job kicks in, but that will be over a year. Will my teeth have shifted that much in that amount of time?

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